
Showing posts from June, 2015


Astrologists are hopeful to find extraterrestrial life out from our earth even out from our galaxy. NASA chief Mr. Bolden already ensured with very clearly that extraterrestrial life is exist anywhere out of our earth. Alien, extraterrestrial life Alien is a common and general phenomenon in terms of extraterrestrial life imagined and proposed by astrologists that indicates something outside of our earth that have supernatural power that is called "life" in our earth. That super power is that phenomenon which draws a clear sharp line between living organism and nonliving organism. Our earth is a negligible with comparison of our universe. If there exist an abundance of animals and plants in our earth, why not life will exist outside from our earth in anywhere of the universe? It is considered that life should be any format in extraterrestrial region. Living organs format may be just like same that exist in our earth or something different from our earth. Let us discuss abou...

Galactic Redshift

After the emergeence of Big Bang theory a lot of study have been concluded to give a validity of Big Bang theory. Galactic redshift is an important evidence of validity of Big Bang theory.  What means Galactic redshift?  The word redshift in generally we can guess something colour changing or shifting to the red. Galactic redshift means the colour of light emitted by galaxy tends to red end. But more accurately to say that the colour of galaxy is tends to red by an observer. The galactic redshift is more important for physicists and astronomers. Because it is an evidence of big bang theorem and Hubbles theorey.  Doppler effect and redshift relationship Dopplar effect is somewhat similar with redshift. Doppler states that if a sound originating from a source will be sound of less wavelength to the spectator if the sound source move toward the spectators. Oppositely, If the soundsource move away from the spectator the wavelength will feel longer of the sound...

Scientific cause of love

In mathematics relationship follows an equation, where with change of one variable other variable is changes. Physics also shows that changing of one variable how impacts on the changing of other variables. As same as that in social relationship, how you will be relates with someone depends with that people and you own. A social relationship established with a mutual interaction.r From different study it is found that relationship is a psychological and physiological activity.  Different factors plays an important role in relationship. Hereditary role of relationships In a relationship establishment heredity plays an important role. It is concerned with learning. It is found in different experiment that learning is somewhat related with hereditary. If you put a football in front of a child of three years who never see before it, with wonder you will see he is trying hit it by his leg. If the father of the child a good football player this symptom appears clearly. It...

Ego defence mechanism

Famous psychologist Sigmund Frued proposed a model of human mind that is able to describe the causes of anxiety, anger and unhappiness. This model of human mind is termed as psychoanalytic model. Psychoanalytic model In psychoanalytic model Frued introduce four core elements that drives the individuals activity. These four elements are Id, ego, external factor and superego. The activity of any individual is the result of the confection of these elements. Mind is a battle field of these elements where a confection happens among Id, ego, superego, and external factors. When a people involve of doing something he have to face an action of these internal elements that is called ego defence mechanism. Id have two nature. One is constructive and another is destructive. Simultaneously these two characteristics exists in mind. First fight starts between constructive nature and destructive nature. Sigmund Frued termed constructive nature as pleasure, eating to creativity. Constructive nature r...

Abnormal behavior

The term normal and abnormal is completely opposite meanings. Normal means a scale or measurement of something in a standard parameter. Abnormal is somewhat deviation from the standard. Abnormal and normal have no constant value. In some of the case it is matter of perception. An animal living in north pole is familiar with cold temperature. Hence, the extremely cold temperature is normal for the animals of north pole. But it is an abnormal condition for the animals of desert if one of the animal ate put in north pole from desert Normal and standard scale in many case depends on place and space. Calculation from different scientific theorem also may depend on place. Weight of something in earth is not same on moon. Einstein's general theory of relativity also time is relative on the basis of place and space. According to astronomy, properties of matter is gradually changing with the expansion of universe. Now what we defined as a normal value of something of a substance will not ...

Mind and body interaction

Mind is a phenomenon consist with emotion, stress, sadness and other factors. Mind  have a significant impact on body. In ultimate level of pleasure someone may experienced with body response. In fear someone may experiences with body vibration. In sudden face of threat and danger excessive level of adrenaline secretion to effectively control the situation is scientifically proved. After death of a friend creates emotional shock that leads to crying and secretion of tears. When someone thinks about a food what he loves more, automatically salivation increases. Russian psychologist Pavlov proves it by a salivation experiment on dog. For continuing a normal body needs a normal mind. Mind have significant impact on body. On the other hand body have a significant impacts on mind. Psychologists have proved that the behaviour and culture of a tall man is somewhat different with the people who is short in height. In gender deviation it is also apparently clear. Personal choice and cultu...

Origin of life

In our surroundings everything can classified into two groups, living and nonliving on the basis of the phenomenon so called life. The definition of life is not so easy to give, but we know that life is such kinds of driving force that separate living organism from nonliving substance.There found such kinds of nonliving that may act as living organism if sufficient favourable environment is available. Just for example, virus is a nonliving independently, but living when it is hosted. Is living organism originate from nonliving substance? After big bang first nucleus of the universe created within three minutes. Then stepwise atoms, and molecules and other compound. From the above statement it is clear that organic molecule comes from inorganic elements. Nonliving element vs living organism Life is sharp line between living organism and nonliving substance. After death of a living organism it turned into nonliving matter. The smaller constituent of every living organism is a few numbe...

Destruction of universe

What is the fate of our existing universe? Will it destroy? To explain it scientifically first look at the origin of universe. Big Bang is considered as the origin of our universe. Big Bang is nothing but an expansion. This expansion had started from a point. According to Big Bang theorem every substance of the universe are expanding from hot and dense state toward cold and competitively less dense state. Day by day the distance of every mater from the originating centre is increasing. Simply to say that with a continuous expansion of universe, it is getting bigger in size.  Now let consider there may be a large number of universe that we do not know now. If our universe continuously expands and get bigger in size, it is possible to do same behaviour of another universe that is nearby our own universe. If it is true then once a time may come that the horizon or our universe will get closer to other universe. If expansion is continuing a friction will happen. Another things also...

Big Bang

Very interesting question is that how our universe was created? Big Bang theory provides us the idea concerned with creating our universe. What is Big Bang? Big Bang is a cosmological theorem. Big Bang theory states that Universe is a nature of expansion and it is expanding continuously from hot and dense state. Big Bang theorem supports following conceptions. Big Bang theory strongly support the conception of singularity of the universe. According to the singularity of the universe there as a unique state from where whole universe is created It is considered that Big Bang was started in 1.3 billion years ago. This time is also considered as a age of universe. First Big Bang started by cooling of a state. This cooling of the hot state forms subatomic particles to form atom. It is thought that first nucleus of the universe forms after three minutes of initial starting of Big Bang. Now an interesting question. How these particles and atoms forms stars and galaxies? Due to the force o...

Black hole

Black hole is a region of spacetime that pocess such kinds of gravitational pole where nothing can escape from it, even particles and electromagnetic wave.  General theory of relativity by Albert Einstein can give an idea of creating black hole. According to  general theory of relativity sufficient amount of compact mass can form spacetime that leads to form black hole. Black hole may be in three types. Micro types, stellar massive and supermassive.  There consider of a boundary of a black hole, that is called event horizon. Event horizon is such kinds of boundary region of black hole from where no escape is possible. Black hole may be compared with the nature of black body, because like black body, black hole do not reflects light. Simply, it is said that what a things matter or light fall into black hole have no chance of return back.  In quantum field theorem it have that event horizon can emite a radiation which is called Hawking radiation . How black...

Dipole moment

Any molecule have covalent bond may have the atom of the molecule are partially positively charged and partiality negatively charged. If two atoms in the molecule with charge is q separated by the bond length l, the dipole moment of the molecule will be the charge and the bond lengths product value. Mathematically dipole moment can express as follow, Dipole moment = charge × bond length The molecule having dipole moment will attain two partially changes. One is magnitude of positive charge and another is magnitude of negative charge. Representation of dipole moment is suggested by Sidgwick. He suggest dipole moment to express as arrow with crossed tail. Causes of Dipole moment The dipole moment in a molecule caused for the difference of the electronegativity between the atoms. Applications of dipole moment The application of the dipole moment is explains bellow, 1. Dipole moment explains the behaviour of the solution and gas. The molecule with higher dipole moment dissolve in...

Photoelectric effect

At first J.J Thompson and his  friend showed that if a beam of light fall on a metal surface with a certain level of wavelength, metal surface will emite or eject electron. This phenomenon is termed as photoelectric effect. In generally, photoelectric effect is resulting of electron ejection from a metal surface with the effect of light beam on metal surface Once the scientists realized that most of the physics laws are unexplained by the Newtonian classical mechanics. photoelectric effect is one of the phenomenon that can not properly explained by Newtonian classical mechanics  Among a set of phenomenon in physics these are inappropriate for Newtonian classical mechanics , photoelectric effect is one of them that leads scientists to establish a new theorem or way that can explain these unexplained phenomenon. For this reason the emergence of quantum mechanics  happened. In this scense photoelectric effect may also called as the basis of establishin...

Electromagnetic radiation

In 1864, an experiment by Clark Maxwell introduce a modern conception in science. In this experiment Clark Maxwell showed that if electric current is allowed to pass through a circuit, it will radiate energy. A wide investigation about the property of such type of radiated energy are found that it is a special type of wave that is usually somewhat different with other form of wave available. That is termed as electromagnetic wave or electromagnetic radiation. This phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation is not only in case of passing of electric current through a circuit, but also it may obtain from a magnetic field as well as from moving charge bodies. Electromagnetic wave have a special characteristics that can differ it from other waves. Just think you are in a place that is vacuum, if from few distance of you a sound producing machine is producing sound you will find no sound. That happens for the cause there have no air. To transmission and propagation of sound wave there need a ...


Why the carnivorous have horns? Why the ferocious animals have strong and hard teeth? What is the structure of an animals in thousand years before from now? In the famous book origin of species by Charles Darwin the evolution is briefly described. Charles Darwin is famous as the father of Evolutionary theorem. Your pet cat now you are looking its shape and size was not as same before thousand years and will not remain same after thousand years latter. According to the evolutionary theorem the physical and structural shaTpe of animals and plants are changing continuously. In Biological science the conception of evolution is an interesting and day by day popularity of evolition is increasing. Because, peoples wants to know the inner facts of evolution. In different research trustworthiness of evolutionary theorem is increases. There found a lot of plants they changes there physical structures, colour of plants and its flowers with time. It is found that there have a lot of plants t...


AIDS    AIDS is simply to say a complete OR approximately Nil of immunity. The responsible virus for AIDS is Human Immune Virus. Human Immune Virus when enter into the body it starts to reproduction. Once the number of HIV virus becomes so large quantities. It starts to destroying the Immunity. Immunity is a power of body that prevents the entering of other foreign particles into the body. Antibody is the main and principle elements of immunity. AIDS is an STD disease. Number of AIDS patient is increasing alarmingly. The social awareness is the main parts of the preventing AIDS. The term AIDS is means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The responsible virus of occuring of AIDS is HIV. HIV is Human Immunedeficiency Virus. Each of the HIV infected people could not be claim as AIDS patient. In generally, there need 10 to 15 years to develop AIDS after infection of HIV virus. HIV HIV is the responsible virus for AIDS which is a member of genus lentivirus. Genu...


Gravitation  The attraction between two particles in universe is called Gravitation. The modern physics says that gravity is nothing but only a space time distortion. How the entire universe is interacting with each other? How the entire universe Examples of Gravitation Any particles if it big or or microscopic in universe have attraction between themselves. Such as a pencil have an attraction with a book. A book have an attraction with table. This attraction is defined as gravitation. Historical discussion of Gravitation At first Keplar described the laws of the orbiting of planets surrounding the sun. But it was unknown that why the planets surrounding the sun orbits and what type of force is involved in this case. But suddenly an incident followed by Issac Newton make easy to discovered Gravitation. Once a day Newton followed that an apple fall down on ground. Newton thought there have an attraction force between  the earth and the apple. This attraction force is...