Saturday 17 October 2015

Music and language relation

In term of physics, music is nothing but a varying patterns of sound that is recognisable by animals. I am not mentioning music is only for human, rather it is also for animals. Because, different types of animals are found to response with music. Some of the case these are more apparent than human. Music is a sound with the characteristics of patterns, repetition and harmony. Without these characteristics sound may not consider as music. Musical instruments are these types of physical entity that gives these properties of sound through an effective tuning process. The two of the term, song and music is equally important for the musicians and singers. In our visual sense both of these may seem a different phenomenon, but with an analysis of physics law of wave theory both of the two phenomenon have a unique core value and meanings. Only the difference of music and sing from their origins.

Music emerged from non livings organ. On the other hand song emerged from the living organs. From the primitive period of earth, the animals were familiar with music and song for their pleasure and relaxation. May be from all of the animals singing is most popular culture in birds. All over the birds sings for specific types of reason. Song and music though a same meanings and properties, but they are different from their origins. The common properties that both have are patterned structure, harmony and repetition.

Another basic difference of song and music is that music only based on producing of melody sound that can make pleasure of animals. But in terms of song, most of the case singers gives priority to introduce such kinds of word that should be significant meanings.

Where musics are a combination of sound that have patterned structure, harmony and measurable repetition. On the other hand song is the combination of words that creates melody with its property of patterns, harmony and measurable repetition.

In terms of physics law of wave theory, song and music can place in one platform. Again we can think about the objectives of song and music.

Objectives of song and music

From the primitive period, song and musics are found as a source of pleasure. Both have a significant role in animals physiological process that is responsible for creating pleasure.

For getting pleasure a one kind of responsible hormone in our body is called Dopamine. Dopamine increases pleasure as pain.  Scientists have prove that significant types of music increases the Dopamine level into body in significant level. This dopamine secretion may be related with the harmony, frequency and intensity of the patterned sound. In that view a patterned harmonic sound scientifically can give pea sure.

For this cause in most of the singers are found, some of the case to avoid language meanings in order to matching their words with the musical harmony. Because scientifically, a combination of harmonic word if match with the harmonic music can combined produce more pleasure to audience in psychological and biological process.

Music and song relationship with language

Language have a significant role in music science in order to produce good melody. Hence, music should be properly match with the language pattern of song. If that does not happen then the total combination of music and song may be not acceptable by the audience.

Now the question is that how the proper combination will happen. In order to introduce melody singers in different countries are found that as possible as they are avoiding the complex words of language. They are found to select the easier format of words. In this case easier means not to understandable easily, but to utter easily through vocal chord.

In a language there may have different types of word. Same word that you may feel very difficult by your vocal chord, it may be very easy by to utter its synonym.

For a good melody and harmony of music and song such kinds of adjustment is very important. But in this case only a great problem is that in some of the case language became difficult to understand. This problem also should be margin. Because, pleasure have a significant relationship with understandable language.

Just think, someone wishes you with his own language. You could not understand. You did not find pleasure, because you did not understand.

Hence, in order to produce a good song there need different factors to mutually combine. The language pattern should be highly match with the pattern of musical harmony as well as language should as possible as understandable and simple.

Friday 16 October 2015

Science of music

All over the world most of the musician are struggling with producing a good music. But in most of the case they suffered from the availability of music education. Though, most if the Greek philosophers defines music as a sort of art and creativity, with the development of science the definition of music is getting change. Most of the scientists and musicians are thinking music as a complex science as well as technology. Music have a wide range of relationship with science theorem.

Music is a sound in generally, but each sound is not considered as music. A beautiful sound produced from a violin if considered as music, why people do not call the sound produced by a motor sound as a music?
Music is a such patterns of sound that contains a systematic graphical feature of wavelength and intensity of sound. Music and physics have a symbiotic relationship. Robert j. Astalos and Tracy A Doyle, altogether explained music as a part of physics.  In order to prove music as a topics of physics, they make their presentation into two parts. A one part is concerned with principal of physics and another part is concerned with musical theory and history. The wave theory of physics is a core inner theme of producing music.  How the instroment of music produces different patterns of sound, that exactly follows the wave theory of physics.

Physics theory says that music is nothing but only a varying of sound wave with measurable patterns.
Hence, we are clear in this case that the sound should be a patterned structure to considered it as music. This pattern is dependable with the surrounding. To make understand clearly think about an example. If you make any of a sound in your room closing all of the door and window, you will find a specific pattern of sound that will be different from if you produce same sound under an open sky.

The mechanism of tuning of sound by musical instrument is related with physics law.
 How a musical instrument produces good sound is a wonderful topics of study. It is a tuning process. It is a process of mutual interaction of different tone of different wavelength in order to produce such patterns of sound of wavelength that can be graphed. If any tone can not represent graphical systematic pattern it should cont considered as tune.

The patternless random sound does not consider as music. With the flow of time the the sound wavelength can be plot in a graph. Here may found peaks and downs. The propagation of sound may found continuous and discrete.  The functional relationship of sound flow whatever may continuous and discrete, that is not a matter of producing a good music, but only the fact is that the continuity and discrete value should be limited with measures. The gaps of time should be in a systematic pattern.

With an analysis of history of music there found that the musical all over the world are struggling to develop the quality of music. This development of musical phenomenon is highly concerned with the development of tuning process. The creation of surrounding of sound flow in such a way that can result as possible as a good music.

Air and music relationship

Just think you are in a vacuum and you are shouting help and help. Nobody will find your sound. Because, to carry the sound  wave there need air present. From the primitive time musicians were familiar with controlling of air flow in order to produce different patterns of  musics.

Primitive peoples were familiar with producing good musics with using leafs, tubes of bamboos, etc.

Properties of music and song

In the description of musical aspects by Doyle, there found a focused idea of scales and harmonics in the research paper concerned with music and physics relationship. The harmonics and scales of musics both are related with the frequency of the wave.

The western musics are found a great scale of harmony of the frequency.

Chaotic nature and randomness is absent in music and song. Music is should not involve with randomness and as same song should not relate with chaotic nature. But both of these should be in a systematic structure.

Music should not be only a subjects of physics. Another things is concerned with musics. It is exactly a combination of creativity and imagination with physics that is a broad range of perceptible by animals.

The pattern of sound that may give us us pleasure it may not give pleasure to monkey. The response of human with specific patterns of sound may not same in other animals. What patterns of sound we will consider as music it is also relates with biology and psychology.

Every singer are found to trying their song with the instrumental music. The more the rhythm of song match with the rhythm of music, the song get more audience popularity. This matching may be seem easy to think but more difficult to realise.  In order to produce a good music ans song there should maintain few properties. These are systematic structure, absence of high structured randomness, systematic repetition and patterned structure.


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