Black hole

Black hole is a region of spacetime that pocess such kinds of gravitational pole where nothing can escape from it, even particles and electromagnetic wave. General theory of relativity by Albert Einstein can give an idea of creating black hole. According to general theory of relativity sufficient amount of compact mass can form spacetime that leads to form black hole.
Black hole may be in three types. Micro types, stellar massive and supermassive.  There consider of a boundary of a black hole, that is called event horizon. Event horizon is such kinds of boundary region of black hole from where no escape is possible. Black hole may be compared with the nature of black body, because like black body, black hole do not reflects light.

Simply, it is said that what a things matter or light fall into black hole have no chance of return back.

 In quantum field theorem it have that event horizon can emite a radiation which is called Hawking radiation.

How black hole forms?

Black hole forming is a matter of research. It is considered that black hole of stellar mass formed by the collapsing of massive stars when these finished the life.

 Black hole is changing continuously with its shape.

 Black hole have a characteristics to absorbing everything from its surrounding. If it is correct, when a black hole absorbs specific amount of radiation or mass from its surrounding, here will create a whole space. This absorbing of mass from the surrounding of black hole is happening continuously. Hence,  black hole is changing its structure and shape continuously.

 At first it was guessed that the nearest black hole of the earth is far away 1600 light years. But now it is considered that exactly it is more far away from that.

The general characteristics of black hole is central singularity that is found from the General theory of relativity. It is also considered that central singularity forms a bridge one universe to another universe. Life of Black hole
Is black hole is growing continuously by sucking everything surrounding nearby event horizon? Is this sucking process goes on continuously with infinite times, what may happen? Is black hole will suck everything? Or there have a certain life of a specific black hole?
 It was considered that black hole is impossible to destroy. But now it considers that it is possible to destruction of black hole. According to quantum theory particle and light continuously creates and destroys. If absorption of energy is possible from universe it is possible to form a new structure and physical existance.
What that is sucking by black hole, is the last result? What is the fate of the substance or energy sucked by the black hole?

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