Saturday 30 January 2021

Electrostatic force

Electrostatic force

Electrostatic force means a force between two particles with charge. Two charged particles if with same electric charge excerts a force between themselves is repulsive force. 

The examples of repulsive force between two same particles with positive charge. This types of repulsion is found in repulsion of alpha particles to Nucleus in Rutherfords alpha particle scattering experiment when alpha particles are allowed to pass through the atom.

Two particles with opposite charges attract each other. The force excerts between themselves is attractive force. In atom the attraction between revolving electron with nucleus is attracrive force.

According to direction of force of electron within Nucleus, electrostatic force are in two types.

Centripetal force that leads electron to collapse with nucleus and directed toward nucleus. Though, electron never collapses with nucleus. This collapsing is restricted by another force with opposite direction is called centrifugal force which is equal to centripetal force. This phenomena is also explained in Rutherford's atomic model.


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