Sunday 29 November 2015

Tone and tune

Tone and tune is a part of physics that is implemented into music science. The physics of sound wave differentiate tone and tune on the basis of pattern, and wavelength. Music science defines tune as a combination of tone into a systematic pattern and structure.

Tone is the building block of tune. How with a combination of breaks one after another builds a house, as same with a proper combination of tone simultaneously with a systematic way and produce a patterned structure of sound is termed as tune.

Tone may emerged from any way. It may emerged from a wood chopping, it may emerged from an earthquake or may from a volcano eruption or . But the emergence of tune happens in a systematic way by controlling the sound wavelength by musical instrument.

Tone is a singular concept, but tune is a plural concept.  You utter  just a single sound Hampti. It is a tone of specific wavelength. In generally, tune have a specific types of characteristics that a tone have not. Tone can not produce music, but tune is the main elements of music.

Tuning in physics

Tuning is considered as an applied form of sound physics that is performed by various types of musical instruments in order to produce melodious music.

How tone produce tune?

Tone is a sound of specific wavelength. Each types of sound have each types of specific wavelength. But we know that the propagation of sound wave is dependable with the surroundings. The surrounding environment of sound can significantly changes the characteristics of sound wave.

In a normal sense, tone may be only a sound. Just think that you are chopping wood. There some sounds are producing. These should not be tune. These sound may not have any rhythm. The sound that forward just like a straight line is not rhythmic sound..

Sometimes you may talk with your friend when you are suffering from fever. You start to talking as same. You mentioned your friend and taking unusual gap of producing next word with your conversation. In that case what is happening in conversation. Only happening a nonrhythmic conversation.

Tune must have to be rhythmic and patterned structure. The tuning instruments produces tune by combination of different types of tone with their mutual merging as a result of patterned structure of sound.

Genetic mutation

 Genetic mutation is a process of producing a mutant gene that is different from the DNA of the mother cell. Simply to say, genetic mutation is a process of producing a new DNA that is somewhat changed with information.

 All of the structural and functional activity is just simply embedded into DNA with complex genetic coding language. All of the living organism in earth is based on genetic coding language where every functional activities of life is controlled by these coding language. Although, the extraterrestrial life such as alien is thought to a life based on computational coding life instead of genetic coding.

 In generally, mutation are in two kinds. Genetic mutation and chromosomal mutation. Genetic mutation changes the structure of a gene. On the other hand chromosomal mutation changes the whole chromosome. Another special type of mutation is found that is point mutation. Mutation only in one or few nucleotides is termed as point mutation.

Genetic coding

Genetic coding is a language that contains the all of the information of life.
 All of the structural and functional activities of living organism is embedded into a coding language.

How the each cell of the living organism will divided and will produce the new daughter cell is also embedded into coding language. We know the reproduction of new cell is driven by the cell division process. In animals body the cell division happens normally. If any kinds of abnormal cell division happens into body the  abnormal growth of the living organ happens. The abnormal cell division of the living organ leads to define the term as carcinoma and cancer.

Carcinoma is the previous stave of cancer. When the carcinoma state become severe them it is termed as cancer. Cancer is nothing but a condition of body of abnormal cell division.

Previously, physiologist were claimed a lot of causes responsible to cancwe producing. But a recent research done by Stanford university scientists, make all view of cancer cause to place under an unique platform. That is a common and core cause of all kinds of cancer is genetic mutation. It is exactly the harmful effect of genetic mutation.

But it is not any authentic cause of blaming mutation for responsible to cancer. But in life science mutating is very important of every development of living organism. This development of living organism included with structural development and functional development of living organism.

Just for example normal development of body is only a cause of mutation. If mutation is absence then it is not possible of physiological development.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Brain and body

Brain is the central part of the body system that controls all of the physiological function and activities of the body system. The animals intelligences based on brain. Scientists are spends about lot of time in order to measure the intelligences of different types of animals. On the basis of intelligences human are place and lucrative portion in animal world. Human are considered as most of the intelligent animal on the basis of few parameters. Among these parameter the most important is capability of using other substances as their daily usable instruments.

The knowledge on instrumental use is an measure of intelligences. After human, the crow and the monkeys are also bound to singing instruments.

After an wide scale of research and analysis, and very important there found an interesting relationship between brain size and body size.

Brain size and body size

The more of the body size does not mean that the animal will be significantly more intelligent. Even, in some case it may show opposite result.

In generally according to the theory of distribution of elements of animals body system, it may possible to get away Big sizes and weighted body  for an Big sizes animal. That is found true in different scientific experiment.  The graph of two variables follows an straight line. The more the body size, the more big the brain size. Simply, with the increasing of body size of animals the brain sizes also increases.

But with the measure of intelligences, there found different result. It is an very important question is that why elephant is not more intelligent than human, in spite of having its more Big brain size than human. Why the crows are more intelligent with its small sizes brain.

In order to discover the answer scientists collect physical brains of different animals. They weighted the brain of each animals. Previously they were weighted the body weight of each animals. They divided brain weight by body weight.
An interesting results are found that the ratio of brain weight and body weight is big for these animals in generally these are comparatively more efficient in problem solving.

So we can measure comparative measurement of intelligences. Brain weight and body weight ratio is the method of measurement. Graph of brain weight vs body weight shows a straight line.

Some external factors may impact on this relationship. We know that external environment plays an important role in development of animals intelligences. The learning system determines that how horizontal or vertical the straight line will be. Let consider brain weight are belongs to vertical line and the body weight is belongs to horizontal line. The straight line of intelligences in what degree will vertical depends on the external factors and previous history of the animals in terms of problem solving. Genetical role of the learning of problem solving will transfer into generation to generation.

Theory of mathematics, theory of physics, theory of genetics, theory of psychology and even the theory of cosmology everything is the determinant factor of measuring intelligences of animals.

The mathematical relationship of brain and body focuses on a straight line. The genetic theory of intelligences focuses on the impact on the straight line of intelligences by the genetic intelligences flows of generation to generation by a successive genotypic development. Physics and cosmology theorem says that intelligences development is not only concerned with biology. But it follows the complex theorem of physics and cosmologies. The evidence of cosmic life transformation into artificial intelligence shows us impacts of physics and cosmologies on development of intelligences. Geographical role significantly impacts on the intelligences.

In different geographic area same animals are shows different parameter of intelligences. The crows of Australia is not similarly intelligent to the Crows of Latin America in terms of specific types of problem solving. This have an interesting csuses The animals of different geographical area is differently familiar with different types of problem due to different environmental  behaviour of earth. For this reason the animals of different area developed their intelligences in different degree in order to solve the problem. so the straight line of the area of the animals of intelligences will tends to more vertical in more complex area. Because in these are, animals are more experience in problem solving.

Social impacts on intelligences graph

The animals these are mote social are more intelligent. Society significantly increase the intelligences. It is the universal theory for all animals that the more see the more learn. The social impact can significantly impacts on the brain and body graph.

Monday 23 November 2015


Adaption means something gain and adapt. With the stress of environment any change of biological structure and function of life in order to cope with the environment as well as overall survival need satisfaction is termed as biological adaption. A very common adaption we may be familiar with that is immunity. If anyone at anytime in his life infected by specific types of microorganism, body produces antibody against such types of microorganism for further protection. In this case the infected people adapted immunity. Adaption exactly grows for the surrounding effect that enables animals and plants for future protection of affects by these effects. The creosote bush is a desert plant that adapted to produce toxins in order to prevent of growing up of other plants near by it. This adaption of creosote bush in desert happens due to competition for nutrients. Creosote bush does want of increasing the competitor of nutrient. May be birds are such kinds of animal that may illustrate as a good example of adaption. The study of animals mind gives us different clues in terms of animals adaption. A very common and popular phrase we may be previously familiar with that is "Birds eyes view". Why and how this sentence took place in English literature that is not my consideration. But I think that this sentence of literature have scientific logic.
"Ancient Mariner" the famous story where we have found an wonderful prediction capability of ocean bird named Albatross. The role play of Albatross was just like a messenger that used to ensured the good news of ocean sailors.
Modern biological science proves the intelligences of birds that is amazing. Birds are found to solve problem in efficient way. A specific types of crows are found to using machine. It is thought that after human, birds are tends more to use instrument to solve problem. Cashing of food for future need is a conscious behaviour of birds. That indicates that birds have a capability of future planning. Rapid adaptability Adaptivility of bird is rapid than most of the animals. This power of adaptability of bird may flows from era to era through a complex learning process generation to generation. If we look back, what would be the earlier history of bird and its ancestors? History of birds adaption and evolution is glorious and most probably than any other animals. Scientists believes that the existing format of birds is gained from a long distance of adaptive journey through era to era amphibian to reptile and reptile to Avis. Hence birds have to passed a long distance of learning process from environment. Some of the scientist and archaeologists believes that dinosaurs are till now exists in earth in a specific types of bird format. This idea cames at first archaeologists discovered a new types of fossil of an animal that is somewhat similar with birds and somewhat similar with reptiles.

Though adaption and evolution both is concerned with change of life, but both two have some basic difference. Adaption is a phenotypic change of animals and plants. On the other hand evolution is genotypic change of animals and plants and that flows generation to generation. Evolution is a term that concerned with the message of changing feature of animals and plants survive to realisation. On the other hand adaption is a trait of an organism to better suited with environment. Just think about in a low land area one time per year happens flood regularly. The land animal in this area fall into victim of flood. Several times these have to swim if they never familiar with swimming. Several type spending in water may lead them to learn swim. This learning of the animals brain may lead phenotypic change of the body that can helpful for swimming. Even, genotypic change may happen that may result in after few generation next that reproduction of such types of animals that may survive in land and water. First phenomenon may define as adaption and second is evolution.


Happiness is nothing but a comforts. In a normal sense it may be seems that happiness and sorrow related with each other inversely. That means the less sorrow level in life is more happiness. In this mathematical relationship zero level of sorrow means infinite level of happiness. But in real world this is impossible to find. In real life situation it is possible to find new phenomenon of happiness. Happiness is concerned with all types of pleasures in life. That includes with consumption of food to love. In simple view, it may say that in all satisfying of needs in human life produces happiness. According to Mosley's need pyramid, human beings drives for each of the needs to satisfy in their life. When human able to satisfies its one primary need then enjoy the happiness. But they never stop. They moves for next unsatisfied happiness. When an animal can manage an abundance of food they get satisfied after consumption of the food. Food is the primary need of all animals. Not only it on the basis of Mosley's needs theorem, but also it is an universal truth. Shelter, love, power, self esteem these are the different step of the needs pyramid that should be satisfied.
Relative nature of happiness The term relativity concerned with observers in terms of physics law. The law of physics says us that the mass or speed what we are observing of a matter travelling distance from us, exactly it will not same if we observe it in its stationary state. As same as if we want to measure the happiness of a people who is distance from us will not same as our measurement. The observed peoples happiness will measured by any body will be more than the accurate measurement by an observer in maximum case. That means an observers always tends to measures the peoples happiness of their neighbours, and they finally take a decision that this people is more happy than me. The people doing the job is more better than me. What happens in this case? The observers ignores the pain of this people that should never ignore. But with comparing the happiness observer never ignore the pain of himself.

 Pain and happiness

Pain and happiness goes on simultaneously in human mind. Pain and happiness just like a two side of a coin, head and tail. In human mind both pain and happiness exists altogether. One can not measures his happiness if he never experienced with pain. Just think your friend have already relieved from a miserable fever. You met with him and asked him "How are you"? He will reply loudly that he is fine and happy now. But if it would be happened before of his caught by fever, he would usually reply you as "well". Hence, it is clear that the degree of intensity of expressing the measure of happiness is somewhat depend on previous painful experiences.

Ecosystem of pain and happiness

Not each people is anxious for happiness. I found some classes of people in society that they search not only pleasure as well as pain.  This characteristics of human mind can only produce chaos surrounding someone. This destroys the happiness in social life. A few types of people you may find in society that they are making their life complex day by day. On the basis of simple and silly cause they are increasing their complexity in life. Although, they have an abundance of food security, a good social image, overall having an abundance of happiness, why they are taking pain considering these unnecessary causes. What are happening in their mind. Are they fulfilling the empty space of their mind where some pain should be exist. That is a balancing activity of the mind.

One of your friend came to you with two dress. One is white in colour and another is red in colour. He wants to give you one of the dress and you have given an option that what you likes more. You will tends to choose white colour dress if you like white colour.  But your movement of choosing white colour dress will be restricted by your thinking that you have two or more white colour of dress. You will tend to choosing red colour of dress if you do not extremely dislike this colour.

Put pain and happiness in a plate. What you will chose to pick up for you. Pain or happiness? In generally answer should be happiness. But in our real world happy peoples sometimes creates such environment surrounding themselves with their absence mind from where they can get some pain instead of pleasure. Exactly, a few number of peoples get pain by creating environment from where they can get pain. A few number of couple you will find that they are destroying their happy life only considering few unnecessary causes. A certain type of unnecessary question continuously harming their happy life. Is he or she forgetting me? Is he or she do not love me as before he had done? Why he or she does not love me as what I do? These social question increases complexity.
 When your friend spend time by watching movie then you spend your time Reading science journal. The two things movie and science journal  making happy both of yours differently. The movie that can make your friend happy, it may not make you happy. Another things is that same movie can never equally make happy two different people. It depends on individuals perception. Happiness is perceptual.

Symmetry breakdown

The sky, the moon, galaxies, stars, even everything in universe, the universe itself originate from big bang. The origin of each matter and energy of universe is started from big bang. With advancement of modern physics scientists are started to think about a unique mechanism of happening everything. They found a mechanism that is considering as a major cause of happening most of consequence of universe is called symmetry breakdown.
Symmetry breakdown is a mechanism of breaking a symmetric structure into another structure. In generally it is a transition of simpler state of matter into more complex state of matter or energies. Symmetry breakdown is happening in all species of the universe through the time traveling from one era to another era. Physicists of modern physics claims symmetry breaking for all evolution of universe . It may be happen into matter or within energies, even in biological evolution. In generally, symmetry breakdown changes the state into more complex state from the previous state. The dimension of water is easy to describe, but a snowflake is more complex to describe.  To describing a drop of water there need less information, but to describe a snowflak there need more information. What happened in case of converting water into snowflake? There happens a symmetry breaking. Physicists and cosmologists believe that the entire universe is expanded from a dense and hot state of matter and energy through a symmetry breakdown process. This is simply thought that symmetry breakdown makes new state that is more complex. The earlier universe was perfectly symmetric than that of existing universe. Once from a hot and dense state of universe started symmetry breakdown and continuing this breakdown with the traveling of time from one era to another era and the symmetry breakdown will also remain its continuty. When a perfect symmetric universe start to cooling from it's hot and dense state the the symmetry breakdown had started.  This phenomenon may compare with an analogy. A drop of water is symmetrical and hot state than the ice. Water when cooled than it convert into ice that is more complex state.  To better understand about symmetry breakdown it is very important to little understanding about symmetry.
 Symmetry is defined as a physical system that does not undergo any change after any tranaformation of its state of position. The transformation may be continuous or descrete. Everywhere we may find few examples of symmetry. Human beings are an example of symmetry in biological sense. In visually, left part and right part of our body is an example of symmetry. A butterfly is also a symmetric animal. But in physics the conception of symmetry shows us more complex terms and these symmetric nature.

Speed of light in different reference framework have same value. With position change the value does not changes. In view of physics, speed of light is symmetrical and that is termed as poincare group. Poincare group is a symmetry group of special relativity. Another important examples of symmetry is space time symmetry, circular disk of sun, repeated musical rhythm.

Flowers wings are distributed symmetrically.
 Symmetry of universe


 The whole universe is thought as spherically symmetrical. An observation of spinning of elementary particle "fermion" gives scientists an opportunity to think about the symmetric structure of universe. All of the elementary particles have spinning property. Fermion is spin 1/2 particle. There need 720 degree of rotation to return back its starting point from where it was started to rotate. But all other elementary particles need 360 degree of rotation to reach at the staring point. But scientists does not stoped. Scientists started to makes a correlation of universe with the fermions behaviour. In terms of cosmological study turning of 720 degree of rotation of universe pictures an identical copies of universe. The entire universe looks like spherically symmetrical. A few scientists believes in spherically symmetrical universe in view of multiple universe conception introducing simplicity.
 Symmetry breakdown in particle physics Symmetry breakdown in particle physics is very important. Because forming of super symmetry is based on the conception of symmetry breakdown. It is thought that once every particles and forces in universe were identical. Due to symmetry breakdown we found different matters and particles as well as different forces.

 From above discussion we can say that the four forces in universe created from an unique state after a successful transformation of symmetry breakdown. Different masses from leptons, fragmentation of electroweak force into electromagnetism and weak force, these are nothing but a result of symmetry breakdown.
Symmetry breakdown vs symmetry build up Due to our universal life properties, when we see something getting into destruction, with our conscious and unconscious mind we think about the opposite term "build up". A one symmetry breakdown may lead to build up other symmetry. This flow is symmetry starts from simpler symmetric form to complex symmetric form. In most of the physics law shows us symmetry journey to simpler to complex. But we can not completely ignore traveling of symmetry complex form to simpler form. Because a few scientists believes in  collapsing of universe. If collapsing happens really in future, it is possible to follow these path in what path expansion was happend. It should be consider with an example our our daily life habitual activity as an analogy. It is only analogical and philosophical. In which way you go to market from home, in habitually you usually return back to home in that. Although, there have different path of returning back.

Dark matter

The universe is composed of matter and energy. According to mass energy transformations equation by Albert Einstein, matter and energy can put into an unique platform that both of two phenomenon are a transformed form of each other.

In visual sense all of the matter of the universe is defined as the macro form of atom, even particle. Matter is a condensed form of energy.

In modern physics, physicists and cosmologists started to think about a new format of matter that is called dark matter. Dark matter is till now considered as an invisible hypothetical matter that have a potential difference from visual matter in some parameter. By the observation on gravitational effect on visible matter, on radiation and on the large scale structure of universe the conception about dark matter is found in favour of its existence and properties.

Properties of dark matter

 The property of dark matter is somewhat different from the visible matter. Dark matter can not absorb and emit light or electromagnetic radiation.

History of dark matter in that case dark matter shows a logical relationship with Black body as well as Black hole. In terms of Black hole conception, Black hole is a region In universe from where nothing can escape even electromagnetic radiation.

For better understanding of properties of dark matter just think about a phenomenon of optical physics concerned with colour.

Beautiful rainbow which is more clearly visible In sky after rain somewhat explains the properties of electromagnetic radiation of sunlight. Rainbow is nothing but only a dispersion of different wavelength of colour

At first Dark matter is postulated by Jan Oort in 1932. In 1933, Fritz Zwicky uses viral theorem in order to infer the matter these are invisible or till now never seen. This unseen matter was refereed as dunkle materie.

Galaxy rotation curve and dark matter

In 1939, scientist Horace W. Bablock discovered galaxy rotation curve. In 1960 to 1970 Vera Rubin and Kent Ford uses galaxy rotation curve in order to postulate dark matter.

Baryonic dark matter and non baryonic dark matter

Scientists have found from their long term research that  majority of dark matter  is made of non baryonic dark matter. The probable measure of baryonic dark matter is found from big bang neucleosynthesis. measurement of baryonic matter is about from 1 to 5 percent of critical density of entire universe. But this is also contrasted by other views. Some believes that the total matter of universe is about 30 percent of critical density.

Baryonic dark matter

Baryonic dark matter and non baryonic can be differ  with a few parameters. Baryonic dark matter can not detect by its edited radiation.

The composition of baryonic dark matter shows that it campused with baryons, neurons and protons.

In our universe, the total amount of dark matter if classified into two parts, baryonic and non baryonic, the most common examples of baryonic dark matter is non luminous gas, massive astrophysical halo objects,  Black holes, white drawfs, brown drawfs, briefing stars, planets, etc.

Non Baryonic dark matter

Axions, super symmetric particles are hypothetical particles. These are non baryonic dark matter. Though, baryonic dark matter is believes to form the elements of primitive universe during Big bang, non baryonic dark matter have No any role in this case.

In generally, available non baryonic dark matter is cold dark matter, warm dark matter and hot dark matter in believes of cosmologists.
Most of the hypothesis on non baryonic dark matter is based on cold dark matter hypothesis. Neutrinos are the examples of hot non baryonic dark matter. But neutrino can only form a small fraction of dark matter.

Physical evidence of dark matter

Globular cluster shows that they contain dark matter. From the velocity profile of stars, scientists found concentration of dark matter.

Motion of galaxies study provides most of the physical evidence of dark matter.

Friday 20 November 2015

Fast moving object

With the starting of human civilisation, peoples were struggled with introducing flexibility in their life. Human beings were usually habitual to move one place to another place for different types of causes. Due to the moving nature of human civilisation were moved to place to place, region to region.

First conception of first moving

Most probably from the primitive period human beings thought about an effective way that they can move as fast as possible. They realised for something that can reduce their journey time. People learnt to return back to home before the sunset if they never face the ferocious wild animal in dark or if they can save themselves from any kinds of natural disaster.

Hunting was the only source of protein for primitive people. To alive food is mandatory. To search food going out from home is also mandatory. Looking for food, finding food is the basic struggle for all of the animals in earth. Because, animals are glucose dependent. It is the prominent difference of animal from plants. Plants do need need to move for food. Plant can produce energy sufficiently by photosynthesis process if sunlight is available sufficiently.

Hence, for survival need primitive peoples were familiar with hunting. Sometimes they have to move to far distance from their residence.But companion with the tension of returning back in home timely before sunset, were their daily irritable things. Hence, primitive peoples were started to think about effective way of moving forward as fast as possible.


In terms of physics, movement is changing of place. Very simply to say movement is nothing but a displacement of objects. Fast moving objects are these that displaced the length with shortest period of time. Objects movement is very important part of physics. In terms of physics and astrophysics, objects if it be massive or lighter have an universal characteristics of moving. Theory of big bang says that from the starting of universe, everything of the universe is getting distance from each other.

Development of fast moving in human society

First peoples were familiar with using started with the invention of wheel. Wheel is considered as the wonder invention of primitive people after fire. In that time animals energy were used to automating the wheels activity. In order to fast going horse power was widely used started from primitive period and till now it is continuing in some case.

Day to day peoples learns to invent steam engine. Invention of cars and railways happened in real life. The invention of railway made very easy and fast movement of peoples from one place to another place. Invention of plane introduced more fast in fast going.

Physics of first going

Continuously peoples all over the world is trying to introducing more fast movement as possible as they can. Fast moving obeys some roles of physics. How an object can move in more fast and speed? Let us think about at first that what may restrict fast moving of objects.

Gravity is an attraction of earth on an objects. If it be massive or lighter. Physicists have already been proved that the object with more speed shows less mass. That means the more speed of the objects relates with less mass of the objects. Speed and mass relationship is very clearly explained in special theory of relativity by Albert Einstein.

The object that will able to overcome the force of gravity that will achieve more speed and fast moving. The more overcoming the gravity attraction also relates in reducing mass of the objects. When any objects start to move approximately with the speed of light its mass will come closer to zero and negligible.

Engineering of fast moving transport invention is basically focused on reduction of the restriction during movement. The fast moving trains and planes exactly follows this rule.

Positive thinking

Positive thinking
Thinking is a science. In what way you will think, that is also an interesting science. Any consequence someone may think as positively and someone may think as negatively. But science says that the way of your thinking can significantly express your attitude and behaviour.

Full glass vs empty glass

A half glass of water you can explain as two different way. If you explain it as positive manner, you may explain as "half glass full of water" or in negative manner you may called "a half empty glass". But very interesting is that if the two simple answer if looks very simple, even, many people if ignore to notice it, It is universal truth is that psychologists can predict differently two different peoples future. What in their fate in future?
Scientists believes that the people of positive thinkers are more happy and success in their life than these who thinks the sequence as negatively.

The story of every success people shows that they were habitually positive thinker. The term habitual positive thinkers are these who thinks positively and thinking comes eternally and habitually.

Scientists are found just only a little smile increases the secretion of endorphin into body. Endorphin is such kinds of neurochemicals that is responsible to happiness and pleasure.

Optimism and pessimism

Psychologists classifies peoples into two class on the basis of their thinking way. Optimistic people and pessimistic people. Optimistic peoples are these peoples who at first thinks anything about positively. Pessimistic people thinks any think about in negative sense. From above illustration, the people said "a half glass full of water" it is nothing to doubt classify them as optimistic. Pessimistic people at first think something in negative way.

Physiological relationship of Optimism and Pessimism

Optimism and pessimism are two different traits concerned with psychology and science of mind and brain. But modern research shows that these two traits are interrelated with sound health else. Optimistic peoples are found in good health comparing with the pessimistic people.

Compare two people. One is all time in smiling face, happy and loves to social communication. On the other hand another people is conservative, physically ill, a sad and rude face. How you can differ them?

What is happening into the ill and sad people? Is he very sad due to his illness? or Is he ill, because he was sad and rude in most of his life time?

Optimistic people wins in life in most of the case. They shows less tendency of getting doubt in order to taking risk. They want to win with less considering the probability of loss. If loss comes they do not become more upset. When optimistic people determines to do then the pessimistic people thinks about If it will be nice thinking to do.

Fluctuation of optimism and pessimism

Optimism and pessimism depends on various factors. Environment plays an important role in this case. An optimistic people may not express as equally positive in all time. Environment can increase and reduce optimism. In a Soccer game, the crowding peoples in galleries and their shouting and praising significantly increase the confidence level of players. The higher confidence level can positively impacts on performance level.

Health benefit of positive thinking

Scientists have found a wide range of beneficial effects of positive thinking. In generally positive thinkers are in good and sound health. Optimism and positive thinking increases life span, reduces stress and depression of life. The patient of cardiovascular disease if pessimistic in nature, they are most vulnerable to death. But optimism reduces the death risk.

Believe that you can do

Only just a one single thing that can turn the performance of life that is you can do it. Recent scientific research shows that only making someone just only a believe that he can do this can significantly increases the performance level.


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