Genetic mutation

 Genetic mutation is a process of producing a mutant gene that is different from the DNA of the mother cell. Simply to say, genetic mutation is a process of producing a new DNA that is somewhat changed with information.

 All of the structural and functional activity is just simply embedded into DNA with complex genetic coding language. All of the living organism in earth is based on genetic coding language where every functional activities of life is controlled by these coding language. Although, the extraterrestrial life such as alien is thought to a life based on computational coding life instead of genetic coding.

 In generally, mutation are in two kinds. Genetic mutation and chromosomal mutation. Genetic mutation changes the structure of a gene. On the other hand chromosomal mutation changes the whole chromosome. Another special type of mutation is found that is point mutation. Mutation only in one or few nucleotides is termed as point mutation.

Genetic coding

Genetic coding is a language that contains the all of the information of life.
 All of the structural and functional activities of living organism is embedded into a coding language.

How the each cell of the living organism will divided and will produce the new daughter cell is also embedded into coding language. We know the reproduction of new cell is driven by the cell division process. In animals body the cell division happens normally. If any kinds of abnormal cell division happens into body the  abnormal growth of the living organ happens. The abnormal cell division of the living organ leads to define the term as carcinoma and cancer.

Carcinoma is the previous stave of cancer. When the carcinoma state become severe them it is termed as cancer. Cancer is nothing but a condition of body of abnormal cell division.

Previously, physiologist were claimed a lot of causes responsible to cancwe producing. But a recent research done by Stanford university scientists, make all view of cancer cause to place under an unique platform. That is a common and core cause of all kinds of cancer is genetic mutation. It is exactly the harmful effect of genetic mutation.

But it is not any authentic cause of blaming mutation for responsible to cancer. But in life science mutating is very important of every development of living organism. This development of living organism included with structural development and functional development of living organism.

Just for example normal development of body is only a cause of mutation. If mutation is absence then it is not possible of physiological development.

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