Brain and body
Brain is the central part of the body system that controls all of the physiological function and activities of the body system. The animals intelligences based on brain. Scientists are spends about lot of time in order to measure the intelligences of different types of animals. On the basis of intelligences human are place and lucrative portion in animal world. Human are considered as most of the intelligent animal on the basis of few parameters. Among these parameter the most important is capability of using other substances as their daily usable instruments.
The knowledge on instrumental use is an measure of intelligences. After human, the crow and the monkeys are also bound to singing instruments.
After an wide scale of research and analysis, and very important there found an interesting relationship between brain size and body size.
In generally according to the theory of distribution of elements of animals body system, it may possible to get away Big sizes and weighted body for an Big sizes animal. That is found true in different scientific experiment. The graph of two variables follows an straight line. The more the body size, the more big the brain size. Simply, with the increasing of body size of animals the brain sizes also increases.
But with the measure of intelligences, there found different result. It is an very important question is that why elephant is not more intelligent than human, in spite of having its more Big brain size than human. Why the crows are more intelligent with its small sizes brain.
In order to discover the answer scientists collect physical brains of different animals. They weighted the brain of each animals. Previously they were weighted the body weight of each animals. They divided brain weight by body weight.
An interesting results are found that the ratio of brain weight and body weight is big for these animals in generally these are comparatively more efficient in problem solving.
So we can measure comparative measurement of intelligences. Brain weight and body weight ratio is the method of measurement. Graph of brain weight vs body weight shows a straight line.
Some external factors may impact on this relationship. We know that external environment plays an important role in development of animals intelligences. The learning system determines that how horizontal or vertical the straight line will be. Let consider brain weight are belongs to vertical line and the body weight is belongs to horizontal line. The straight line of intelligences in what degree will vertical depends on the external factors and previous history of the animals in terms of problem solving. Genetical role of the learning of problem solving will transfer into generation to generation.
Theory of mathematics, theory of physics, theory of genetics, theory of psychology and even the theory of cosmology everything is the determinant factor of measuring intelligences of animals.
The mathematical relationship of brain and body focuses on a straight line. The genetic theory of intelligences focuses on the impact on the straight line of intelligences by the genetic intelligences flows of generation to generation by a successive genotypic development. Physics and cosmology theorem says that intelligences development is not only concerned with biology. But it follows the complex theorem of physics and cosmologies. The evidence of cosmic life transformation into artificial intelligence shows us impacts of physics and cosmologies on development of intelligences. Geographical role significantly impacts on the intelligences.
In different geographic area same animals are shows different parameter of intelligences. The crows of Australia is not similarly intelligent to the Crows of Latin America in terms of specific types of problem solving. This have an interesting csuses The animals of different geographical area is differently familiar with different types of problem due to different environmental behaviour of earth. For this reason the animals of different area developed their intelligences in different degree in order to solve the problem. so the straight line of the area of the animals of intelligences will tends to more vertical in more complex area. Because in these are, animals are more experience in problem solving.
The animals these are mote social are more intelligent. Society significantly increase the intelligences. It is the universal theory for all animals that the more see the more learn. The social impact can significantly impacts on the brain and body graph.
The knowledge on instrumental use is an measure of intelligences. After human, the crow and the monkeys are also bound to singing instruments.
After an wide scale of research and analysis, and very important there found an interesting relationship between brain size and body size.
Brain size and body size
The more of the body size does not mean that the animal will be significantly more intelligent. Even, in some case it may show opposite result.In generally according to the theory of distribution of elements of animals body system, it may possible to get away Big sizes and weighted body for an Big sizes animal. That is found true in different scientific experiment. The graph of two variables follows an straight line. The more the body size, the more big the brain size. Simply, with the increasing of body size of animals the brain sizes also increases.
But with the measure of intelligences, there found different result. It is an very important question is that why elephant is not more intelligent than human, in spite of having its more Big brain size than human. Why the crows are more intelligent with its small sizes brain.
In order to discover the answer scientists collect physical brains of different animals. They weighted the brain of each animals. Previously they were weighted the body weight of each animals. They divided brain weight by body weight.
An interesting results are found that the ratio of brain weight and body weight is big for these animals in generally these are comparatively more efficient in problem solving.
So we can measure comparative measurement of intelligences. Brain weight and body weight ratio is the method of measurement. Graph of brain weight vs body weight shows a straight line.
Some external factors may impact on this relationship. We know that external environment plays an important role in development of animals intelligences. The learning system determines that how horizontal or vertical the straight line will be. Let consider brain weight are belongs to vertical line and the body weight is belongs to horizontal line. The straight line of intelligences in what degree will vertical depends on the external factors and previous history of the animals in terms of problem solving. Genetical role of the learning of problem solving will transfer into generation to generation.
Theory of mathematics, theory of physics, theory of genetics, theory of psychology and even the theory of cosmology everything is the determinant factor of measuring intelligences of animals.
The mathematical relationship of brain and body focuses on a straight line. The genetic theory of intelligences focuses on the impact on the straight line of intelligences by the genetic intelligences flows of generation to generation by a successive genotypic development. Physics and cosmology theorem says that intelligences development is not only concerned with biology. But it follows the complex theorem of physics and cosmologies. The evidence of cosmic life transformation into artificial intelligence shows us impacts of physics and cosmologies on development of intelligences. Geographical role significantly impacts on the intelligences.
In different geographic area same animals are shows different parameter of intelligences. The crows of Australia is not similarly intelligent to the Crows of Latin America in terms of specific types of problem solving. This have an interesting csuses The animals of different geographical area is differently familiar with different types of problem due to different environmental behaviour of earth. For this reason the animals of different area developed their intelligences in different degree in order to solve the problem. so the straight line of the area of the animals of intelligences will tends to more vertical in more complex area. Because in these are, animals are more experience in problem solving.
Social impacts on intelligences graph
The animals these are mote social are more intelligent. Society significantly increase the intelligences. It is the universal theory for all animals that the more see the more learn. The social impact can significantly impacts on the brain and body graph.