Friday 21 August 2015


Intelligence is a psychological and a biological term. But with development of cosmology intelligence is also considered as a cosmic term. Intelligence is such kinds of phenomenon that is controlled by brain. It is considered that living organism possesses intelligences. But this conception became also debatable, because the clear sharp line between living organism and nonliving organism is getting shrunken day by day.

 Animals can show intelligences. Though, animals are the results of carbon combination then we can claim carbon is the hosting system of intelligences. But it may not correct accurately. Silicone also preserve a huge memory. A huge and complex computing may be a symptom of intelligences, but there may be different system included. Consciousness is an another factors that coincided with intelligence. Animals that have consciousness that the existing computer have not.

It is also thought by different scientists that there have a probability of primitive life hosting into silicone instead of carbon.

A student of computer science may restrict the argument that only living organism can acquire intelligences. He can question how a computer memory stores a huge intelligence?

A people can calculate complex mathematical formula. But a computer can can calculate more efficient than human. This proves the intelligence of computer. But that does not prove the consciousness of it.

In cosmology, we find the existence of extraterrestrial life that we termed as alien. Different scientists assumes that the extraterrestrial life would be super intelligent artificial that would be more sophisticated than human.

The stars and galaxies have a similarity with living organism. Living organism borns and dies. As same as stars borns and star dies. How the formula of ecosystem drives animals to behave in such a way that they continue there existence for long time, in that way the galaxies and  in universe as a systematic way in order to remaining there existence in cosmos.

A group of people started to walk by a thin road beside of a river. The peoples are well learnt enough to avoid any kinds of accident during their walking. They knows how to maintain the regularity of walking. Same things are happened in the movement of stars and galaxies and planets. Moving of each cosmic elements happens in a systematic way in order to avoid any rapid disaster and rapid destruction. But as same as how the animals can not avoid the death and extinction, galaxies and stars also can not avoid their death and extinction

Development of intelligences

Intelligences of animals develops gradually. The existing intelligence animals are developed by the evolutionary process that starts from microbes. The existing state of intelligent animals in earth, even in cosmos are found from the primitive microbes states of animals. Intelligence are gradually developing. This development are concerned with the expansion of universe. With the expansion of universe the animals intelligence is also expanding. This evidence is found in the conception of cosmic life transformation into artificial intelligence.

Comparison of intelligence among animals

The comparison of intelligence among the animals is very difficult. From different parameter human beings are considered as most intelligent in our earth. But in cosmic context there may found animal that is more intelligent and sophisticated than human.

In what parameter we can measure intelligence?

 How you will perceive, that depends up to you. A half glass of water you may define as "a half empty glass" or "a half filled glass". In both case the meanings is same. But different in individuals way of expression.

In your class may not every student will good in mathematics. Even who obtains a good marks in mathematics he may show very bad performance in language course. To whom you will define as more intelligent that exactly depends on you. If you own be very weak in mathematics, you may take a decision that the student who obtained a good marks in mathematics as very intelligent.

Just like same in different parameter intelligence can measure. If it is found alien outside from our earth which is thought super intelligent then it should agree that we have no ultimate level of intelligence.

A man who can run fast may claim that he is intelligent, because he learnt enough how to  run. Another people may come to restrict this argument. He may claim that he is more intelligent, because he can swim fast.

 Scientists introduces a common term to define intelligences. That is efficiently problem solving. But in terms of problem solving, there will create a complexity to identify which animals are comparatively more intelligent.

Who wants to die? The clear answer will be nobody except mad. So death is a problem. Because animals wants to live long. But for a certain cause animals dies. Overcoming the short lived in earth and gaining a long lived life may be a super intelligence of animals. According to this statement the animal that is long lived that is more intelligent.
 After analysing all possible parameter, most of the scientists assumes that capabilities of making machine is one of the most important symptom of intelligences. From all of the animals in world, only human can make a large number of machine for their use.

In Australia, there found a specific type of crow that shows an extraordinary expression of intelligences. These types of birds are found to make specific types of instrument with leaf that they can use in purpose of food collecting. These birds can very interestingly think more efficiently about a problem that how it could be solve.

It is a natural process that after evolution and adaption every animals learns something from hereditary experiencing. But, it is the matter of wonder when any animals efficiently solve a new problem.  Maximum cases of new problem solving happens by flexible thinking. Flexible thinking means solving of a one new problem on the basis of another problem solving previously.

Brain size vs body size

Research from different animals there found an wonderful result. If you plot a graph brain size of animals against the body size of the animals, you will find a straight line. Brain size increases with the body size. Hence, the brain size of a cow must be more big from a birds brain size. If we straight forward make a decision about the comparative intelligences between two animal, it is not very wonder to take a wrong decision that the cow may be more intelligent. But in really that is not true. Bird is more intelligent. Exactly, the intelligences depends on ratio of brain size and body size. If we divide the brain size of bird, even weight by the body size and weight, comparatively the large number will found than the ratio that we can find from cow or dog.
Why happens this? All of the function of any animals are controlled by brain. To control the big size body, animals brain have spend most of the intelligences. Hence it became very difficult to implement the intelligence outside world from the body. The animals that have a big sized and weighted brain comparatively from their body finds more opportunity to implement its brain and intelligence in other sectors.

 Just think an example, that happens in most of the students life, but a few can notice it. After an examination, most of the students returns home and go to bed to sleep. And ultimately goes into long sleep. But in exam period he did not do such kinds of physical work that can make him tired. Exactly he have done huge brain work. Exact happening is that he spends a huge intelligences to do good in exam. Hence, immediately created a deficiency of intelligence that can control other physical works. Hence, sleeps became deep.

 Intelligences and death relationship

Let consider a person infected by a specific type of disease causing virus. Two result will happen into body. Virus will try to damage and harm of body and the the body will try to protect it. Not only that the body will try to produce antibody that it can do strong protection against such kinds of harmful virus.  If everything physiological function controlled by intelligences, there need a certain intelligences to produce antibody else. Simply what we can make from this discussion. Intelligence can able to protect uncertain death.

The role of adrenaline to avoid any kinds of unwanted accident, we know all. Efficient adrenaline secretion is also depends on the efficiency of intelligences.

Though intelligences have a wide range of implementation of our life. It will not a wrong speech that the More you intelligent, the more you long lived.

Friday 14 August 2015

Music and pleasure

From the earlier of human civilisation music  was an important way of celebrating any occasion in order to get enjoy and make other enjoying. Not only human, different animals shows significant result in response to music and sound. For relaxation few birds songs with chorus. Music is nothing but a sound. When significant types of sound combined and produce such environment that is able to make someone surrounding feeling good or bad may termed as music.

In terms of physics sound is a one kind of energy that progress in wave. Music may be define in view of physics as a controlled and modified production of sound wave. Music is person specific.
Music is person specific. Because, with what music making your friend to dancing, it may create boring to you. If some music is making you boring, you may defined that as a noise sound instead of music. It follows well known psychological role " stimulus and response". Stimulus and response can simply define as the cause and effect. If something happening is cause then something results for the impact of cause is effect.

A good singer and musician take the advantage of knowledge of stimulus and response in music market. It is very difficult to sell an umbrella in desert. Because there have rare rain fall. Desert peoples have little tendency to purchase umbrella. As same as a good singer and musician have to know clear for whom they will produce music. Same type of music will not similarly popular to teenagers and old ages peoples. This variation of choice depends on science. Before discussing this let us discuss at first that why peoples likes music.
Why people likes music?
The two term is seems like two side of a coin. One, why people likes music? And another is why music makes peoples to like?
Music makes people pleasure. Scientists have found music have a significant impacts on animals physiological process. Music shows some visual impacts on animals body. These are noticeable movement of body that in extreme case turned into dancing. Along side of these, shivering and chilling are found as a results of music impacts.

In PET scanner experiment there found music increases the secretion of Dopamine. Dopamine is such kinds of neurochemicals that causes pleasure. Each kind of pleasure, even sorrow have a significant relationship with Dopamine. Dopamine not only make pleasure directly, but it also stimulate animals to search pleasure. Before becoming hunger dopamine stimulates animals to moves to manage sufficient food.

Dopamine is specific to music.

Dopamine is music specific. Researchers have found that the music that makes peoples to more chilling that creates releasing of more Dopamine. With joy moving body, dancing everything is Dopamine effect.

Why affection of music last long?

Interest of music and getting pleasure from music last long. In every age people gets pleasure from music. But in this case pleasure depends on the types of music. Variation of musics happens in age to age, but loving of music remains. Business in real world may snatch enough time from a person that also snatched time to spend with music. But if in accidentally a music if come to him that he loves, he get pleasure from it and for a few time he turns his concentration into music.

We may get an explanation of continuity of flow of loving with music from the statement of Huron, who was the researcher of musical cognition at Ohio State University. Huron believes that just like eating, music is a mild addiction.

Now we can think about why age to age choice of music is variates. In same ages of peoples choices of musics have similarity have in different parameter. Education level, social structure and geographic content must will be make variation in same groups of musics and songs. If you look at the types of music that is choices by teenage, most of these music and song will be in such type that will produce more moving of body and to dancing. Again, If you collect some musics these are choices of older peoples, you will find these musics are producing less movement of body.

The older people when enjoy music they do not move their body excessively, but they are found to moving their finger. These type of music creates same impacts on every ages. But the popularity of a specific music is not same in every age.

The demand of a specific type of music for a specific group depends on some parameter. Audience ages is the most important parameter. In view of marketing management demand is the need of specific product or service to the users or customers.

The demand of the specific types of product for different ages of peoples have a close relationship with the physiology. The older people suffers from physiological disorder more than from younger people. Most of the younger people are found in healthy and sound physiological structure in generally.  But all ages of people needs pleasure. Hence, they need music. The body condition determines that what kinds of music they will love. The older people needs such kinds of music that will not drive them into excessive level of body movement. Excessive level of body movement may lead them in a harmful effect on body. They need such kinds of music that will not result in increasing of blood pressure by excessive level of body movement. They need such kinds of music that will produce controlled level of dopamine that will not create more body movement. Hence, their love and choice will be for these musics. But to the younger people and teenagers these musics may be outdated. Same things happens in all ages. Our physiology determines when what type of music we have to love.

Thursday 13 August 2015


In modern physics time is such things that we never call it as time. We have to consider space with time. In new era of physics time and space are in one continuum. Hence, it would be very scientific, not let alone "time" rather, "space time". Simply, we can say space time instead of time alone. From the emergence of Einstein's general theory of relativity time became interrelated with space. Time is relative just like mass and speed.
Scientists have been tried enough to discovery of inner theme of time flow from the past to future through present. If we look at our clock, it may be seems to simple of the time flow. Someone may ignore to think about of time flowing, least they lose their  valuable time. Someone may not agree it as a very complex topics of science. It is a perceptual matter concerned with psychology. When people see something visually happening, human take it as a simple matter. But it is real that behaviour of a small clock is concerned with the behaviour of big universe. It may be relates with different phenomena in universe.
I think human brain can easily assess past than future. Before million years ago what was happened we did not see with our eye and after million years latter what will be happen may not see. But making relationship of our visual facts we can imagine and assess something that what may be happen or what was happened. Both of these the assessment of past is more easy than the assessment of future. Because present everything in universe have established through a generalised process and every consequence of happening may transformed into present matter from the ancestors. Whatever, to investigate the origin of time, if we drive our memory to past as possible as far we can drive. We may reach at the conception of singular point from where big bang was started and the universe was started its expansion that is till now expanding. If someone make a relationship of time with planets motion, it would not be very wrong thinking to make a relationship with universe expansion. If there have doubt with complex restriction by complex acceptable theory of physics, it may draw a conclusion about the origin of time flow started from the initial moment of big bang. But this may be authentic and undoubtedly, only when scientists will accept of existence of only one universe. But conception of multiple universe again will make a complexity to draw a conclusion about the origin of time Before 4000 years ago human civilisation learns to measuring time. To measuring time, sunlight and shadow was taken as a standard of time flow. Sundial is such kinds of time measuring instrument, that was first used to measure time flow on the basis of shadow movement by the effect of sunlight. Another form of clock was used by measuring the level of water and sand. In seventeenth century pendulum clock was invented.  After invention of chronometer by John Horrison measurement of time became more accurate. After a period of spending time, human abled to invent quartz clock and atomic clock. Measurement of time by quartz clock is based on the property of quartz crystal of exhibiting piezoelectric effect. Atomic clock is a certain type of clock based on natural process that certain type of atom causes a natural change within it within a certain period of time. Just for example, cesium is such kinds of radioactive element that emits specific frequency of radiation. The oscillation per unit time is defined as frequency.  Before invention of atomic clock time was based on the earth rotation surrounding the sun. One rotation about earth's own axis was a day. After inventing the modern measurement techniques of time, ephemeris second became the standard of time measurement. Second is defined as 1 divided by 315569259747 of tropical year AD. Tropical year is the time taken by sun required for passing between successive spring equinoxes. Just like mass, time also relative in nature. Time is dependent on space. Einstein's general theory of relativity provides us a conception of time and space to integrate into a unique continuum, that is called space time. The conception of Sir Issac Newton that time is not absolute, but fact relative. This conception leads Einstein to develop theory of relativity. But during past 100 years before it was thought that time flows in same rate for every observers in universe. This conception about time flow is now out dated.
By observing the stability of moving cesium clock and stationary cesium clock we can find the evidence of relativity of time. Moving clock more stable than stationary clock. It is due to less decaying of particles. Moving radioactive elements are found less particle to radiate than stationary radioactive element. Hence, moving radioactive element have more life time. It is the Lorentz's effect on moving clock that proves the relativity of time.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Bird's song

Birds are a one kind of animal reported for producing beautiful sound and music. The attractive sound and music produced by bird is termed as birds song. All over the world, where abundance of bird, there abundance of chorus and musics. Probably two of the beautiful dream of human are learnt from birds. One is dream of flying and anoher is singing. Birds songs usually make difference birds from other animals.
Different research have been done to know why bird sings? To reach in a conclusion, try to discover the answer of the question "why human speaks?" Simple answer is for communication. Every animal have specific language for communication. Another analogy may consider. Suppose a parson who is some distance from you and you are trying to make attention of him. In order to do this you utter loudly "Hello". Animals sound loudly in order to send the sound far distance from it. Only then sound will be loud if some body to whom you are trying to send signal is places distance from you. Most of the birds are found to sing loudly, Because they want to send signal to whom is far distance from it. Whatever, scientists have found to major cause of birds singing. One cause is defining its own territory and another is get attention of mates. Their also have certain cause. To get relaxation bird sings. In this case most common is chorus song.

Very interesting things is that most of the male birds sings to attract female birds and female bird identify male birds quality on the basis of its singing. Researchers have found these male bird can sings well that have abundance of food in the area where it is living. Usually female birds chooses  these male birds as a mate who can sings well. A good song gives message to female bird that in this area there have an abundance of food.

 In animal world bacteria to human, even may be in alien life most common phenomenon is colonisation. Another research shows that birds sings also to territories the area. By singing birds defines that a specific area is only for it or its group. Birds singing is also a keep out message for some birds that controls unnecessary entrance into an area by other bird. Scientists recorded sing of male House Wren in an area. Technically they removed all of the male House Wren from this area. For a few days they displayed the recorded song of Male House Wren with loudspeaker.
They found that the male House Wren of the neighbouring area's male House Wren shows less tendency to enter in this area.

Some times few birds are found to sing chorus. It is exactly for relaxation, just as same children goes to field for playing. Playing is an entertainment of children. As same chorus song of bird is just one kind of entertainment of bird.

 Singing birds

Singing birds are found in all over the world. Few birds are very familiar with their song. Red eyed Vireo sings more than 2000 songs in a day.  Another kinds of birds are found that it spends more than 70% of time a day with singing that "Dickcissels". Brown Threshers are such types of bird that can sing 2000 different song.


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