Tuesday 30 June 2015


Astrologists are hopeful to find extraterrestrial life out from our earth even out from our galaxy. NASA chief Mr. Bolden already ensured with very clearly that extraterrestrial life is exist anywhere out of our earth. Alien, extraterrestrial life Alien is a common and general phenomenon in terms of extraterrestrial life imagined and proposed by astrologists that indicates something outside of our earth that have supernatural power that is called "life" in our earth. That super power is that phenomenon which draws a clear sharp line between living organism and nonliving organism. Our earth is a negligible with comparison of our universe. If there exist an abundance of animals and plants in our earth, why not life will exist outside from our earth in anywhere of the universe? It is considered that life should be any format in extraterrestrial region. Living organs format may be just like same that exist in our earth or something different from our earth. Let us discuss about what should be the alien life format. In our earth there have different life format. Such as microbes, plants, animals, intelligent animals. But scientists are guessed about different thing about life format. In our earth life constituent is carbon. In our earth life is carbon formatted. It is not clear that alien life will be carbon formatted or different formatted? Theorems that provides the evidence of alien life Let us consider some theorem and assumption that can provide a clear evidence of alien in extraterrestrial region. First look at how living organism originate in our earth. It is believed that  living organism is originated from the non livings. Just like evolution of living organism, nonliving elements also show evolutionary property. Big Bang theory of universe also shows that every elements of universe getting distance from a singular point. With expansion the properties of each element is changing. The properties of earth today is a large degree difference from the property of earth before million years ago. Once there had no existence of living organism. When earth placed a point that is appropriate for blossom of living organism, living organism originated. Another things let consider. Certain living organism have certain surviving power. Some microbes can survives bellow the temperature of zero degree and some can in higher degree of temperature. Some are found to go to dormant state in uncertain environment for survival Evolutionary theorem in living organism also shows how one living organism transform into another shape of living organism. The abundance of living organism caused from microbes is the straight forward statement of evolutionary theorem. Dormant state of microbes also states that it is possible for microbes to cross uncertain situation. This theorem increases the probability of finding life in extraterrestrial life. If any planet or galaxies reach in a position where life is impossible for a certain cause, there have a possibility for microbes existing here to go into dormant state to continuing their life in a favourable environment. Big Bang theory also states that once a day may come our earth may reach in such a position where life may be impossible.  In this case some microbes will tends to go into dormant state. If after a billion years latter if favourable environment comes they may regain there life. Not only that but also the evidence of interconversion between non living organs into living organs and living organs into non living organs also gives an assumption of originating life outside of our earth. Even, outside from our galaxy.  It is not exactly clear about the life format of alien. It may be the smallest element of alien is carbon or it may not be. Life may not be as same as in our earth. It may be found in different format. Where for energy human beings need glucose, there may need another things for alien. The physiological process may not be as same as life in our earth. There may found microbe states of life to intelligent states of life. Forcasting of alien life format is complex and unclear. But yet astrobiologists assumes that, whatever the format of life, it is clear that life exists in extraterrestrial region It is also true that there have a lot of scientific conception in terms of alien existence. If it exists? or not? Different scientific research and theories giving different views. Somethings are saying about the upcoming days when we are getting to meet with alien and others are also saying that it may not be found.

Friday 19 June 2015

Galactic Redshift

After the emergeence of Big Bang theory a lot of study have been concluded to give a validity of Big Bang theory. Galactic redshift is an important evidence of validity of Big Bang theory.

 What means Galactic redshift?

 The word redshift in generally we can guess something colour changing or shifting to the red. Galactic redshift means the colour of light emitted by galaxy tends to red end. But more accurately to say that the colour of galaxy is tends to red by an observer. The galactic redshift is more important for physicists and astronomers. Because it is an evidence of big bang theorem and Hubbles theorey.

 Doppler effect and redshift relationship

Dopplar effect is somewhat similar with redshift. Doppler states that if a sound originating from a source will be sound of less wavelength to the spectator if the sound source move toward the spectators. Oppositely, If the soundsource move away from the spectator the wavelength will feel longer of the sound wave by the spectator.

As same as, in terms of light same thing will happen.

In generally something light if move away from the observer, the observer will see the light with increased wavelength than the emitting wavelength. The colour will feel by observer will tends to at the red end. This phenomenon is termed as redshift. This is similar to the Doppler effect. If the sound source move away from the spectators, the spectator will fell the sound with increased wavelength than the originating wavelength.

As same as if the light source get forward toward the observer the observer will feel the light as decreased wavelength than the originating wavelength. Hence the colour feel by observer will tend to blue end. This phenomenon is termed as blue shift.

 Redshift supports Big Bang

Redshift conception is a great evidence of Big Bang theory. Big Bang theory suggests that universe is continuously expanding from a singular point. Everything is getting distance from each other. If that is true then the redshift will be true. As same as if redshift happens exactly, the acceptance of big bang theory increases.

 Types of redshift in universe

 There happens three types of redshift in our universe. One is redshift with the expansion of universe. Second is the redshift in galaxies due to getting distance of one galaxy to other galaxy. Another is the gravitational redshif.

 Though in stars and galaxies the occurance of redshift can easily explain on the basis that from our earth we see stars and galaxies as red.  From our earth someone will see the stars a far distance away as red. It will be as same any obserserver if exist on that star or galaxy, will see our galaxy as red. Because according to Big Bang theory each of these are getting distance from each other.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Scientific cause of love

In mathematics relationship follows an equation, where with change of one variable other variable is changes. Physics also shows that changing of one variable how impacts on the changing of other variables.

As same as that in social relationship, how you will be relates with someone depends with that people and you own. A social relationship established with a mutual interaction.r

From different study it is found that relationship is a psychological and physiological activity.

 Different factors plays an important role in relationship.

Hereditary role of relationships

In a relationship establishment heredity plays an important role. It is concerned with learning. It is found in different experiment that learning is somewhat related with hereditary. If you put a football in front of a child of three years who never see before it, with wonder you will see he is trying hit it by his leg. If the father of the child a good football player this symptom appears clearly. It is hereditary learning.

 Russian psychologist Pavlov shows how learning stimulates animals to perform in activity.

Marriage is a social activity to continuing the reproduction of next generation. But it is a matter of scientific research is that why people get married to a specific people.

When a boy in a train journey he become boring. Suddenly if he see a girl seated in front of him on opposite or besides of him, he get pleasure and reduces his boring. It is a scientific result of learning. From the primitive period a girl is a subject of pleasure and better feeling to a boy and a boy also same to a girl.

What is pleasurable, that will stimulate you to achieve. If such kinds of food put in front of you that have made you more pleasure, your physiological activity will start. Your intuition will to achieve that, because you have learnt that before it was made you joy. Hence, it may say clearly that learning identifies that what can make pleasure. When your learning show you that something will give you pleasure, physiological and chemical activity will start to achieve that.

In different scientific study on love, few major chemicals are found to act a vital role in relation build up. The role playing chemicals are nor epinephrine, dopamine and phenylethylamine. Role of these chemicals are explained bellow.

Nor epinephrine

 Nor epinephrine is a neurochemical known as increasing heart race. It is a neurotransmitter. Nor epinephrine is also called adrenaline. When a boy see a girl besides of him or a girl see a boy besides pf her, learning system stimulates brain to identify that it is a topics of pleasure and happiness in life. Then secretion of nor epinephrine increases the pleasure. Increased pleasure leads to forward to make friendship or next step.


 Dopamine is another kinds of neurotransmitter system that makes us pleasure and drives toward performance. Simply to the thinking about a football playing will make you pleasure if you like it. Ultimately, dopamine neurochemical will drive you to play football or to see a football match.

The girl sitting beside you in your train journey will make you pleasure. But activity of dopamine system will drive you to making friendship with her. Dopamine system will drive you to say "Hello" or where you will go? Or what do you do? Or please your contact number?

Different scientific study shows that increased level of dopamine makes talkative and excitable.

An interesting study held by Emory University shows a wonderful effect of dopamine in mate selection. They inject dopamine into a female vole, a type of rodent and they found a tendency of selecting a male vole from a group of rodent.

Social factors reduces dopamine activity

Every love never turned into success marriage. Why people cannot turn their love and first pleasure into marriage?

 Peoples consider some social facts in terms of marriage but consider that social facts in leas in terms of love. Whom you love may not as educated as you, may not from a social infrastructure. These restrict peoples to take a decision to marry though he or she loves enough. These real fact restrict pleasure in real happening. Conflicting happens between pleasure and reality. As a result creates anxiety. In social anxieties people there found low level of dopamine binding.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Ego defence mechanism

Famous psychologist Sigmund Frued proposed a model of human mind that is able to describe the causes of anxiety, anger and unhappiness. This model of human mind is termed as psychoanalytic model. Psychoanalytic model In psychoanalytic model Frued introduce four core elements that drives the individuals activity. These four elements are Id, ego, external factor and superego. The activity of any individual is the result of the confection of these elements. Mind is a battle field of these elements where a confection happens among Id, ego, superego, and external factors. When a people involve of doing something he have to face an action of these internal elements that is called ego defence mechanism. Id have two nature. One is constructive and another is destructive. Simultaneously these two characteristics exists in mind. First fight starts between constructive nature and destructive nature. Sigmund Frued termed constructive nature as pleasure, eating to creativity. Constructive nature results in creativity and enjoyment. On the other hand destructive nature of Id creates tendency of destruction. Destructive nature drives a group wise people into violence. Ego is the central portion of psychoanalytical model. It restricts the need of Id. It modifies the needs of Id. Modification of ego based on the external factors, simply to say reality. Another element plays an important role that is called superego. Superego is also called conscience that makes a sharp line between right and wrong. The internal action of these elements in mind creates anxious of peoples.

Abnormal behavior

The term normal and abnormal is completely opposite meanings. Normal means a scale or measurement of something in a standard parameter. Abnormal is somewhat deviation from the standard. Abnormal and normal have no constant value. In some of the case it is matter of perception. An animal living in north pole is familiar with cold temperature. Hence, the extremely cold temperature is normal for the animals of north pole. But it is an abnormal condition for the animals of desert if one of the animal ate put in north pole from desert Normal and standard scale in many case depends on place and space. Calculation from different scientific theorem also may depend on place. Weight of something in earth is not same on moon. Einstein's general theory of relativity also time is relative on the basis of place and space. According to astronomy, properties of matter is gradually changing with the expansion of universe. Now what we defined as a normal value of something of a substance will not consider this value normal and standard for this substance after thousand year later. Because with time this substance is expanding and getting more distance from the originating singular point. Hence, the energy is also changing of this matter When sudden earth starts to vibrating and creates a lot of damages, we termed it as earthquake. It is the abnormal behavior of earth. When a person seems to yellowish eye, urination is dark yellow, increased level of bile in body, doctor defines it as an abnormal body condition. These syndromes are termed as jaundice. As same as  when human beings start to act deviated from the as usual peoples termed is as abnormal behavior. It is some extent depends on social and cultural factor. It depends on the surrounding environment who have to perceive this behavior. It is so difficult to make a clear sharp line between normal and abnormal behavior of human beings. It can be express as a normal distribution where exists a region in the middle of the distribution instead of having a sharp line. A good well reported employee may involve in corruption, even he is well educated. This behavior is seems to abnormal in legally and ethically. A group of robbers behavior involved in robbery seems abnormal to legally and in view of general people, but their thinking about their work may be different to them. Another interesting things are found in a study on many hospitalized mental patient is that there have no strong evidence of violence before hospitalization and after the release from hospital. The history of violence and crime is significantly less in hospitalized mental patient than the general people.

Mind and body interaction

Mind is a phenomenon consist with emotion, stress, sadness and other factors. Mind  have a significant impact on body. In ultimate level of pleasure someone may experienced with body response. In fear someone may experiences with body vibration. In sudden face of threat and danger excessive level of adrenaline secretion to effectively control the situation is scientifically proved. After death of a friend creates emotional shock that leads to crying and secretion of tears. When someone thinks about a food what he loves more, automatically salivation increases. Russian psychologist Pavlov proves it by a salivation experiment on dog. For continuing a normal body needs a normal mind. Mind have significant impact on body. On the other hand body have a significant impacts on mind. Psychologists have proved that the behaviour and culture of a tall man is somewhat different with the people who is short in height. In gender deviation it is also apparently clear. Personal choice and culture of a man is not similar with a woman, even they are in same age. They also are physiologically different. Minds condition can impact on body in two way. Good impact and bad impact. In the field of clinical psychology and medical science, a group of physiological disorder are classified into a class that is called psychosomatic disorder that means the physiological disorder concerned with mind. Some other factors that increases the intensity of impacts of mind on body are biological factor, genetic factor, autonomic reactivity, corticovisceral control and somatic weakness. Lifejefors and Rahe found that life stress can significantly increases Coronary heart disease. It is also thought that when infants feel stress, results are fever. Sleeping disturbance is also a result of stress. It is also noted that some people may find the result and other may not, because there have another factors Stress in life significantly increases blood pressure that leads to hypertension. Kidson in 1973 identified that the anxiety, anger is more in hypertensive patient than the nonhypertensive patient. Jenkins identified one kinds of people with highest level of diligentt to achieve the goals, active, time conscious, tense and usually take less relax. He called these people as a personality type A. These kinds of peoples are more vulnerable to heart attack. Alexander found that different kinds of stress is responsible for different types of psychosomatic disorder. Frustration for loves and protection stimulates to create peptic ulcer. These needs rises anger and anxiety that leads to increasing of secretion of hydrochloric acid. Unhappiness in life found significantly to reduce the resistance power of the body In different sociocultural interrelationship study it is found that different family impacts on different degree on the health of family members. A study on asthmatic patient shows that a large portion of patients previous family history was just like that their mother was similarly tends to reject their child for a certain type of causes and to much ambivalent towards her child.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Origin of life

In our surroundings everything can classified into two groups, living and nonliving on the basis of the phenomenon so called life. The definition of life is not so easy to give, but we know that life is such kinds of driving force that separate living organism from nonliving substance.There found such kinds of nonliving that may act as living organism if sufficient favourable environment is available. Just for example, virus is a nonliving independently, but living when it is hosted. Is living organism originate from nonliving substance? After big bang first nucleus of the universe created within three minutes. Then stepwise atoms, and molecules and other compound. From the above statement it is clear that organic molecule comes from inorganic elements. Nonliving element vs living organism Life is sharp line between living organism and nonliving substance. After death of a living organism it turned into nonliving matter. The smaller constituent of every living organism is a few number of nonliving elements. These are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus and sulphur Some may mistake in differentiating living organism from life. Living organism is only an infrastructure consisting the smaller elements, amino acids, sugar, fatty acids, purine and pyrimidine base and nucleotides. But life is more than that. From where life is originated? There have no clear scientific explanation. But on the basis of different scientific circumstances different scientists gives different idea about the origin of life Charls Darwin concept about life is that when the life first originate in earth, the earth was another condition that was favourable to originating of living organism. According to Darwin amino acid mixed with phosphoric acid and amonia and by linking of other amonia forms protein. Holdane believed that primate living substance formed in ocean . Recently scientists are also believes that primitive living organism originate from ocean with a certain favourable condition. Astronomical concept about origin of life According to astronomical concept about origin of life introduces us with meteorites. According to this concepts meteorites brought spores in earth from another planet. Though this idea at first strongly discredited, but now revitalises with the discovery of Murchison meteorites in Australia and Allende meteorite in Mexico. These two meteorite contains a precursor of carbohydrate so called formaldehyde which is exists in interstellar space. In Murchison meteorite there found the amino acids, glycine, alanine, glutamic acid valine and prolin. But yet there have complexity. The meteorite amino acid is equally left and right handed molecule, but the amino acid found in living organism is left handed molecule containing. Another problem is that the meteorite amino acid is nonprotenacious. But the amino acid in living organism is protenaciuos. This problem reduces by the evolutionary concept There have another concept given by oparin, Russian Biochemist in his book "Origin of Life" is that primitive ocean contains a large quantities of organic compound that reacts with each other and final forms living organism. Although there have a lot of conception these all are concentrated into the origin of living organism. But no where clearly define the conception about life. What is life? Is it an energy or matter?  But we know its a driving power. When life host in a body, the body get alive. Life gives nonliving substance the ability of reproduction, respiration etc. When it leave the living organism, living organism turned into nonliving substance.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Destruction of universe

What is the fate of our existing universe? Will it destroy? To explain it scientifically first look at the origin of universe. Big Bang is considered as the origin of our universe. Big Bang is nothing but an expansion. This expansion had started from a point. According to Big Bang theorem every substance of the universe are expanding from hot and dense state toward cold and competitively less dense state. Day by day the distance of every mater from the originating centre is increasing. Simply to say that with a continuous expansion of universe, it is getting bigger in size.

 Now let consider there may be a large number of universe that we do not know now. If our universe continuously expands and get bigger in size, it is possible to do same behaviour of another universe that is nearby our own universe. If it is true then once a time may come that the horizon or our universe will get closer to other universe. If expansion is continuing a friction will happen. Another things also may happen. That is expansion is stop and get back of universe.

Another things may explain. Everything of our universe is forwarding from the centre point. But in 1927, George Lemaitre states thatexpandinguniverse might return back to the singular point. That means all of the things of the universe will concentrated into a point.

Before discovery of dark energy, most of the cosmologists thought that universe will remain expanding until the critical density of the universe reach into the mass density. That was indicates that the expansion of universe have a finite boundary. When the universe will reach in a maximum size, then it will turn to return back. That is called Big Crunch. The accumulation of the substance of universe into a single point is termed as collapsing.

In collapsing period, most of the scientists believes to happen following incident.

1. Star formation will ceased. Because in each galaxy interstellar gas would consumed.

2. The average temperature will be absolute zero.

3. Proton will unstable and baryonic matter will undetectable or disappeared.

4. When total mass and energy of the universe will collapse into a single point black hole will create.

Monday 8 June 2015

Big Bang

Very interesting question is that how our universe was created? Big Bang theory provides us the idea concerned with creating our universe. What is Big Bang? Big Bang is a cosmological theorem. Big Bang theory states that Universe is a nature of expansion and it is expanding continuously from hot and dense state. Big Bang theorem supports following conceptions. Big Bang theory strongly support the conception of singularity of the universe. According to the singularity of the universe there as a unique state from where whole universe is created It is considered that Big Bang was started in 1.3 billion years ago. This time is also considered as a age of universe. First Big Bang started by cooling of a state. This cooling of the hot state forms subatomic particles to form atom. It is thought that first nucleus of the universe forms after three minutes of initial starting of Big Bang. Now an interesting question. How these particles and atoms forms stars and galaxies? Due to the force of gravity these particles and elements comes together and formed stars and galaxies. Misconception about Big Bang There have a misunderstanding about Big Bang. To erase the misunderstanding look at the statement below Big Bang is not an explosion of mass and space, but it is only an expansion. Expansion of universe is its own Properties of Big Bang Big Bang or the expansion of universe is accelerating. This accelerating nature of expansion of universe is found from the redshift of supernovae. The growth of the universe or expansion of the universe happens according to the exponential rule Big Bang or expansion of universe happens from hot and dense state to the cold and lighter state. Big Bang theory is dependent on the universality of physical law and on the cosmological principle. The cosmological principle defines universe as homogeneous and isotropic Edwin Hubbles conclusion from the galactic redshift clearly shows that continuously galaxies are drifting apart from each other. A well known experiments of hubble shows how continuously dense elements are getting distance from each other. This experiment strongly supports Big Bang. Hubbles Experiment Hubble put a drop of colour on the outer surface of a balloon. In small area the colour was so dense. When hubble entered gas into balloon, it expanded. Hubble looked the dense colour elements are getting distance to each other. Not only that there creating some colourless line. This experiment strongly supports the expansion of universe or Big Bang.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Black hole

Black hole is a region of spacetime that pocess such kinds of gravitational pole where nothing can escape from it, even particles and electromagnetic wave. General theory of relativity by Albert Einstein can give an idea of creating black hole. According to general theory of relativity sufficient amount of compact mass can form spacetime that leads to form black hole.
Black hole may be in three types. Micro types, stellar massive and supermassive.  There consider of a boundary of a black hole, that is called event horizon. Event horizon is such kinds of boundary region of black hole from where no escape is possible. Black hole may be compared with the nature of black body, because like black body, black hole do not reflects light.

Simply, it is said that what a things matter or light fall into black hole have no chance of return back.

 In quantum field theorem it have that event horizon can emite a radiation which is called Hawking radiation.

How black hole forms?

Black hole forming is a matter of research. It is considered that black hole of stellar mass formed by the collapsing of massive stars when these finished the life.

 Black hole is changing continuously with its shape.

 Black hole have a characteristics to absorbing everything from its surrounding. If it is correct, when a black hole absorbs specific amount of radiation or mass from its surrounding, here will create a whole space. This absorbing of mass from the surrounding of black hole is happening continuously. Hence,  black hole is changing its structure and shape continuously.

 At first it was guessed that the nearest black hole of the earth is far away 1600 light years. But now it is considered that exactly it is more far away from that.

The general characteristics of black hole is central singularity that is found from the General theory of relativity. It is also considered that central singularity forms a bridge one universe to another universe. Life of Black hole
Is black hole is growing continuously by sucking everything surrounding nearby event horizon? Is this sucking process goes on continuously with infinite times, what may happen? Is black hole will suck everything? Or there have a certain life of a specific black hole?
 It was considered that black hole is impossible to destroy. But now it considers that it is possible to destruction of black hole. According to quantum theory particle and light continuously creates and destroys. If absorption of energy is possible from universe it is possible to form a new structure and physical existance.
What that is sucking by black hole, is the last result? What is the fate of the substance or energy sucked by the black hole?

Saturday 6 June 2015

Dipole moment

Any molecule have covalent bond may have the atom of the molecule are partially positively charged and partiality negatively charged. If two atoms in the molecule with charge is q separated by the bond length l, the dipole moment of the molecule will be the charge and the bond lengths product value. Mathematically dipole moment can express as follow, Dipole moment = charge × bond length The molecule having dipole moment will attain two partially changes. One is magnitude of positive charge and another is magnitude of negative charge. Representation of dipole moment is suggested by Sidgwick. He suggest dipole moment to express as arrow with crossed tail. Causes of Dipole moment The dipole moment in a molecule caused for the difference of the electronegativity between the atoms. Applications of dipole moment The application of the dipole moment is explains bellow, 1. Dipole moment explains the behaviour of the solution and gas. < 2. Dipole moment have a relationship with the solubility of the molecule. Dipole moment can determine the solubility of the molecules.
The molecule with higher dipole moment dissolve in polar solvent. 3. Dipole moment can determine the orientation of the organic molecule. It can determine the symmetry and assymetry of the molecule. For example, the para isomer of dichlorobenzene is symmetric because it have no dipole moment. But on the other hand the Ortho and meta isomer have dipole moment, hence these are assymetric.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Electromagnetic radiation

In 1864, an experiment by Clark Maxwell introduce a modern conception in science. In this experiment Clark Maxwell showed that if electric current is allowed to pass through a circuit, it will radiate energy. A wide investigation about the property of such type of radiated energy are found that it is a special type of wave that is usually somewhat different with other form of wave available. That is termed as electromagnetic wave or electromagnetic radiation. This phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation is not only in case of passing of electric current through a circuit, but also it may obtain from a magnetic field as well as from moving charge bodies. Electromagnetic wave have a special characteristics that can differ it from other waves. Just think you are in a place that is vacuum, if from few distance of you a sound producing machine is producing sound you will find no sound. That happens for the cause there have no air. To transmission and propagation of sound wave there need a medium. In case of electromagnetic radiation there required no medium of propagation. Light that comes from sun in earth is an example of electromagnetic radiation that required no medium of propagation. In terms of electron orbiting surrounding the nucleus, electromagnetic waves are found to producing in a form of vibratory motion which propagate approximately in the speed of light The classical electromagnetic theorem is also known as electrodynamics. According to classical electromagnetic theorem, an acceleration orbiting of a charged particle surrounding another charged particle will radiate light energy continuously in a wave form. If we apply these theorem into the atomic model concerning with the electrons orbiting surrounding the nucleus that will restrict the earliest solar system model of atomic structure by Rutherford. If electron radiates energy continuously then it is impossible of stability of  atom.  According to electromagnetic theory, electron will gradually decreases its energy and speed. Finally it will fall into nucleus with a spiral path, if Rutherford's atomic model be accurately correct. Clark Maxwell in 1856, postulates that light is a wave of small wavelength and the wavelength determines the light's colour. Energy is emit or absorb by a body continuously. Black body emit ed the radiation in only one wavelength and it is independent of temperature. The radiated energy is proportional to the intensity of the radiation. Application of electromagnetic theory is that it can clearly explain mode of progression of radiation. Different optical phenomenon can clearly explain by Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theorem. These are interference, diffraction, polarisation, refraction. Limitation of Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theorem is founds in terms of explaining black body radiation and photo electric effect.Explaining the behaviour of electrons orbiting surround the nucleus do not match with electromagnetic theorem. Because, it restrict the validity of stability of atom. The energy of surviving of all living organism is considered as sunlight that involves in producing food and energy of plants by photosynthesis. If for an uncertain cause the earth become dark for few month, the sun stops sending sunlight to earth or something shadow restrict sunlight to fall into earth. The extinction of life from earth is obvious as a result. But, how the sunlight produce in sun? Sunlight is a form of energy produced by sun that get absorbed by the life of earth and it tolerable else. Sunlight is nothing but an electromagnetic wave. Now the important question is that is it follow the same mechanism to produce sunlight within the sun just like electrons producing electromagnetic radiation during revolving surround the nucleus. The producing of energy by the sun is claimed as the equation of mass energy transformation. Only mass energy transformation is only acceptable way of producing a huge amount of energy. But the sunlight that comes into earth is not the direct production of mass energy transformation equation within the sun. The electromagnetic radiation produces from the plasma state of sun. Continuously a large amount of Matter inside sun undergoing into mass energy transformation and producing a huge amount of energy. These huge energy transforming into the near closer matter. And these matters are converting into plasma. But more hot environment surrounding plasma are continuously providing energy to plasma. But the natural principle of matter drives plasma to remaining at least the existence in universe as a matter. For this reason there happens releasing of energy. Simply, to say atom or ion releases energy that it never loses it's existence. Though, classical electromagnetic theory shows that the accelerating movement of electron surround its opposite charged nucleus will create electromagnetic radiation. Hence, every atom should produce electromagnetic radiation. Different scientists assumes that exactly each atom can release electromagnetic radiation, but each intensity is not same. Considering this, let us search why intensity may be different. A cold iron sheet if allowed to heat for a several time, it will become red and then it will turned into white. White and red in both case will radiate visible radiation. Hence, we found an idea that temperature plays a significant role in radiation. Another example is radiation from volcanic eruption. By a thermal process emitting light by matter is termed as incandescence. Exactly the examples are given concerning with hot iron rod and volcanoes is the well known examples of incandescence. It was thought that electromagnetic radiation releases from an atom due to  jumping of electron from higher energy state to lower energy state. On the basis of distribution of spectral line it have taken a decision that in this way  electromagnetic radiation releases. Exactly the natural principles of universe shows us that electron will behave in such an way that it can maintain the atoms long term stability. Hence, it is natural for electron to jump to that state of energy where it should be place or where it was placing. It is nothing but a on basis regular struggle of electron to occupying the space from where it is distorted from by certain cause. If we implement the conception of curvature movement into electron's revolving surrounding nucleus then accepting the jumping concept needs to margin. Jumping of electron higher state to lower state and lower state to higher state may not follow straight line geodesic, rather a curvature geodesic else.Whatever happens between the different scientific conception, we may reach in an unique conclusion that there will happen one th ings that energy will absorb by atom and it will released by accelerating movement of electron in a form of electromagnetic radiation. Let us consider about a hot metal. What happens inside the atom of hot metal. External heat transfers into atom. Atom expands with size. The distance of electron from the nucleus starts gradually  increasing. If the distance started gradually increasing and remains continuity then once the atom will lose its property. Hence, in order to remaining the existence the property of atom electron goes lower energy state. As a result energy releases in a form of electromagnetic radiation. This behaviour of electrons to go into lower energy state from higher energy state supports the quantisation of energy releasing. That means the energy releases as a packet of energy that is called photon. It also ignores that energy will never release continuously. How amount of electromagnetic radiation will be released by an atom that depends on how energy is absorbing by the atom. If we look at the behaviour of matter in terms of producing visible radiation, we must find that the more hotter metal will produce more radiation. In this case in more hot environment atom became bound to absorb more external energy. As a result it will release more radiation. The sunlight that comes from sun, produced from plasma state. Plasma is a hot and lionised gaseous state that is considered as the fourth state of matter that consists with equal number of positively charged ion and negatively charged ion. The difference of plasma state of gas from normal gas is that it is strongly influenced by electric field and magnetic field.Exactly electromagnetic radiation is a one kind of thermal radiation. The more hotter state of matter will produce electromagnetic radiation as efficient as more. The production of electromagnetic radiation from atom is conditional with temperature. Margins of electromagnetic theorem by planks quantum theorem When Maxwell's electromagnetic theory failed to explain the spectral distribution of black body radiation, it became very important to think about new concept that can minimise the complexity. In 1901, Max Plank propose a theorem that is called Plank's quantum theory of radiationPlanks quantum theory of radiation  able to minimize  the complexity of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory that was created by the conception of emitting of radiation in a continuous way. Plank's quantum theory of radiation ignores the continuity of radiation and assumes that the radiation will happen in a discontinuous way

Monday 1 June 2015


Why the carnivorous have horns? Why the ferocious animals have strong and hard teeth? What is the structure of an animals in thousand years before from now? In the famous book origin of species by Charles Darwin the evolution is briefly described. Charles Darwin is famous as the father of Evolutionary theorem. Your pet cat now you are looking its shape and size was not as same before thousand years and will not remain same after thousand years latter. According to the evolutionary theorem the physical and structural shaTpe of animals and plants are changing continuously. In Biological science the conception of evolution is an interesting and day by day popularity of evolition is increasing. Because, peoples wants to know the inner facts of evolution.

In different research trustworthiness of evolutionary theorem is increases. There found a lot of plants they changes there physical structures, colour of plants and its flowers with time. It is found that there have a lot of plants these had no any thorns but presently they have thorns. Evolutionary theorem explains the emergence of animals.

In human body you may know an important topics of immunity that resists body from infection. After infection of antigen body produces antibody against the infected antigens. This indicates that body can automatically form any process that can fight aginst something that it experienced before.

Animals are involves in changing of DNA structure continuously. This is continuously happening for exposure of external factors.

Environment plays an important role in evolution. In a desart any specific animals is not same structural shape and strength in animals of cold weather.




 AIDS is simply to say a complete OR approximately Nil of immunity. The responsible virus for AIDS is Human Immune Virus. Human Immune Virus when enter into the body it starts to reproduction. Once the number of HIV virus becomes so large quantities. It starts to destroying the Immunity. Immunity is a power of body that prevents the entering of other foreign particles into the body. Antibody is the main and principle elements of immunity.

AIDS is an STD disease. Number of AIDS patient is increasing alarmingly. The social awareness is the main parts of the preventing AIDS.

The term AIDS is means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The responsible virus of occuring of AIDS is HIV. HIV is Human Immunedeficiency Virus. Each of the HIV infected people could not be claim as AIDS patient. In generally, there need 10 to 15 years to develop AIDS after infection of HIV virus.


HIV is the responsible virus for AIDS which is a member of genus lentivirus. Genus lentivirus is a part of retroviridae family.

When HIV infected people may called as AIDS patient?

The standard measurement of Human AIDS condition is CD4 counts. CD4 counts is done for counting the number of T Helper cell in per milliliter of blood. The value less than 200 of CD4 counts indicates the patients condition of as AIDS.

Mechanism of HIV infection

How HIV virus drives an individuals toward AIDS condition. The main and principal function of HIV virus is to destroy T helper cell. T helper cell is one kind of white blood cell which is responsible of developing of immune system into the body. HIV virus destroys t helper cell and make its copie inside itself.

The transmission mechanism of HIV happens following the tworoite. One is transmission following cell free route and another is transmission following cell to cell route.

The cell free spreading of HIV virus happens  as buding from one infected t cell into blood fluid and then infect to other nearby t helper cell.

In different study, it have found that the sweat, saliva and urine is not participate in HIV virus transmission.

AIDS and other disease relation

Some of the scientists belives that AIDS is not a disease but a disease condition that makes opportunity of infacting by various kinds of virus and bacreria.  Different types of disease are found to develop aggressive way in HIV infecred people. Pneumonia, fungal infection, Tubercolosis, Toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus are the most common complication that develops with the development of AIDS.

The responsible strain of HIV virus is HIV-1 and HIV-2. The srain HIV-1 is found in all over the world. But srain HIV-2 is somewhat geographical selective. This strain of HIV is available in western Africa, Europe and in India.

AIDS and its relation with Cancer development

There found a significant relationship of Cancer development in HIV infected people. The risk of developing of various types of virus induced cancer is increase with the development of AIDS condition of the HIV infected patients. These are Kaposi's sarcoma, Burkitts lymphoma, primary central nervous system lymphoma and cervical cancer.

The study on HIV infected and AIDS patient shows that 10% to 20% of HIV infected people suffers in Kaposi's sarcoma in their life time.

AIDS symptom

AIDS is an opportunistic condition of other  virus or bacteria to infect easily to the AIDS people. Frequent infection is an important symptom of HIV infection. Diarrhea is a very common symptom of AIDS patient. Nunty percent of AIDS patient suffers in frequent diarrhoeal condition.

Night sweating, prolonged fever, swollen lymph nodes are most common symptom of HIV infection.



 The attraction between two particles in universe is called Gravitation. The modern physics says that gravity is nothing but only a space time distortion. How the entire universe is interacting with each other? How the entire universe
Examples of Gravitation

Any particles if it big or or microscopic in universe have attraction between themselves. Such as a pencil have an attraction with a book. A book have an attraction with table. This attraction is defined as gravitation.

Historical discussion of Gravitation

At first Keplar described the laws of the orbiting of planets surrounding the sun. But it was unknown that why the planets surrounding the sun orbits and what type of force is involved in this case. But suddenly an incident followed by Issac Newton make easy to discovered Gravitation. Once a day Newton followed that an apple fall down on ground. Newton thought there have an attraction force between  the earth and the apple. This attraction force is termed as Gravitation.

Newtons Law of Gravitation

Any two particles in universe attract each other with a straight line with the force that ia proportional to the product of the mass of two particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of two particles.


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