Ego defence mechanism

Famous psychologist Sigmund Frued proposed a model of human mind that is able to describe the causes of anxiety, anger and unhappiness. This model of human mind is termed as psychoanalytic model. Psychoanalytic model In psychoanalytic model Frued introduce four core elements that drives the individuals activity. These four elements are Id, ego, external factor and superego. The activity of any individual is the result of the confection of these elements. Mind is a battle field of these elements where a confection happens among Id, ego, superego, and external factors. When a people involve of doing something he have to face an action of these internal elements that is called ego defence mechanism. Id have two nature. One is constructive and another is destructive. Simultaneously these two characteristics exists in mind. First fight starts between constructive nature and destructive nature. Sigmund Frued termed constructive nature as pleasure, eating to creativity. Constructive nature results in creativity and enjoyment. On the other hand destructive nature of Id creates tendency of destruction. Destructive nature drives a group wise people into violence. Ego is the central portion of psychoanalytical model. It restricts the need of Id. It modifies the needs of Id. Modification of ego based on the external factors, simply to say reality. Another element plays an important role that is called superego. Superego is also called conscience that makes a sharp line between right and wrong. The internal action of these elements in mind creates anxious of peoples.

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