Scientific cause of love

In mathematics relationship follows an equation, where with change of one variable other variable is changes. Physics also shows that changing of one variable how impacts on the changing of other variables.

As same as that in social relationship, how you will be relates with someone depends with that people and you own. A social relationship established with a mutual interaction.r

From different study it is found that relationship is a psychological and physiological activity.

 Different factors plays an important role in relationship.

Hereditary role of relationships

In a relationship establishment heredity plays an important role. It is concerned with learning. It is found in different experiment that learning is somewhat related with hereditary. If you put a football in front of a child of three years who never see before it, with wonder you will see he is trying hit it by his leg. If the father of the child a good football player this symptom appears clearly. It is hereditary learning.

 Russian psychologist Pavlov shows how learning stimulates animals to perform in activity.

Marriage is a social activity to continuing the reproduction of next generation. But it is a matter of scientific research is that why people get married to a specific people.

When a boy in a train journey he become boring. Suddenly if he see a girl seated in front of him on opposite or besides of him, he get pleasure and reduces his boring. It is a scientific result of learning. From the primitive period a girl is a subject of pleasure and better feeling to a boy and a boy also same to a girl.

What is pleasurable, that will stimulate you to achieve. If such kinds of food put in front of you that have made you more pleasure, your physiological activity will start. Your intuition will to achieve that, because you have learnt that before it was made you joy. Hence, it may say clearly that learning identifies that what can make pleasure. When your learning show you that something will give you pleasure, physiological and chemical activity will start to achieve that.

In different scientific study on love, few major chemicals are found to act a vital role in relation build up. The role playing chemicals are nor epinephrine, dopamine and phenylethylamine. Role of these chemicals are explained bellow.

Nor epinephrine

 Nor epinephrine is a neurochemical known as increasing heart race. It is a neurotransmitter. Nor epinephrine is also called adrenaline. When a boy see a girl besides of him or a girl see a boy besides pf her, learning system stimulates brain to identify that it is a topics of pleasure and happiness in life. Then secretion of nor epinephrine increases the pleasure. Increased pleasure leads to forward to make friendship or next step.


 Dopamine is another kinds of neurotransmitter system that makes us pleasure and drives toward performance. Simply to the thinking about a football playing will make you pleasure if you like it. Ultimately, dopamine neurochemical will drive you to play football or to see a football match.

The girl sitting beside you in your train journey will make you pleasure. But activity of dopamine system will drive you to making friendship with her. Dopamine system will drive you to say "Hello" or where you will go? Or what do you do? Or please your contact number?

Different scientific study shows that increased level of dopamine makes talkative and excitable.

An interesting study held by Emory University shows a wonderful effect of dopamine in mate selection. They inject dopamine into a female vole, a type of rodent and they found a tendency of selecting a male vole from a group of rodent.

Social factors reduces dopamine activity

Every love never turned into success marriage. Why people cannot turn their love and first pleasure into marriage?

 Peoples consider some social facts in terms of marriage but consider that social facts in leas in terms of love. Whom you love may not as educated as you, may not from a social infrastructure. These restrict peoples to take a decision to marry though he or she loves enough. These real fact restrict pleasure in real happening. Conflicting happens between pleasure and reality. As a result creates anxiety. In social anxieties people there found low level of dopamine binding.

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