Origin of life
In our surroundings everything can classified into two groups, living and nonliving on the basis of the phenomenon so called life. The definition of life is not so easy to give, but we know that life is such kinds of driving force that separate living organism from nonliving substance.There found such kinds of nonliving that may act as living organism if sufficient favourable environment is available. Just for example, virus is a nonliving independently, but living when it is hosted.
Is living organism originate from nonliving substance?
After big bang first nucleus of the universe created within three minutes. Then stepwise atoms, and molecules and other compound. From the above statement it is clear that organic molecule comes from inorganic elements.
Nonliving element vs living organism
Life is sharp line between living organism and nonliving substance. After death of a living organism it turned into nonliving matter. The smaller constituent of every living organism is a few number of nonliving elements. These are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus and sulphur
Some may mistake in differentiating living organism from life. Living organism is only an infrastructure consisting the smaller elements, amino acids, sugar, fatty acids, purine and pyrimidine base and nucleotides. But life is more than that.
From where life is originated? There have no clear scientific explanation. But on the basis of different scientific circumstances different scientists gives different idea about the origin of life
Charls Darwin concept about life is that when the life first originate in earth, the earth was another condition that was favourable to originating of living organism. According to Darwin amino acid mixed with phosphoric acid and amonia and by linking of other amonia forms protein.
Holdane believed that primate living substance formed in ocean . Recently scientists are also believes that primitive living organism originate from ocean with a certain favourable condition.
Astronomical concept about origin of life
According to astronomical concept about origin of life introduces us with meteorites. According to this concepts meteorites brought spores in earth from another planet. Though this idea at first strongly discredited, but now revitalises with the discovery of Murchison meteorites in Australia and Allende meteorite in Mexico. These two meteorite contains a precursor of carbohydrate so called formaldehyde which is exists in interstellar space. In Murchison meteorite there found the amino acids, glycine, alanine, glutamic acid valine and prolin.
But yet there have complexity. The meteorite amino acid is equally left and right handed molecule, but the amino acid found in living organism is left handed molecule containing. Another problem is that the meteorite amino acid is nonprotenacious. But the amino acid in living organism is protenaciuos. This problem reduces by the evolutionary concept
There have another concept given by oparin, Russian Biochemist in his book "Origin of Life" is that primitive ocean contains a large quantities of organic compound that reacts with each other and final forms living organism.
Although there have a lot of conception these all are concentrated into the origin of living organism. But no where clearly define the conception about life. What is life? Is it an energy or matter? But we know its a driving power. When life host in a body, the body get alive. Life gives nonliving substance the ability of reproduction, respiration etc. When it leave the living organism, living organism turned into nonliving substance.