AIDS is simply to say a complete OR approximately Nil of immunity. The responsible virus for AIDS is Human Immune Virus. Human Immune Virus when enter into the body it starts to reproduction. Once the number of HIV virus becomes so large quantities. It starts to destroying the Immunity. Immunity is a power of body that prevents the entering of other foreign particles into the body. Antibody is the main and principle elements of immunity.
AIDS is an STD disease. Number of AIDS patient is increasing alarmingly. The social awareness is the main parts of the preventing AIDS.
The term AIDS is means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The responsible virus of occuring of AIDS is HIV. HIV is Human Immunedeficiency Virus. Each of the HIV infected people could not be claim as AIDS patient. In generally, there need 10 to 15 years to develop AIDS after infection of HIV virus.
HIV is the responsible virus for AIDS which is a member of genus lentivirus. Genus lentivirus is a part of retroviridae family.
When HIV infected people may called as AIDS patient?
The standard measurement of Human AIDS condition is CD4 counts. CD4 counts is done for counting the number of T Helper cell in per milliliter of blood. The value less than 200 of CD4 counts indicates the patients condition of as AIDS.
Mechanism of HIV infection
How HIV virus drives an individuals toward AIDS condition. The main and principal function of HIV virus is to destroy T helper cell. T helper cell is one kind of white blood cell which is responsible of developing of immune system into the body. HIV virus destroys t helper cell and make its copie inside itself.
The transmission mechanism of HIV happens following the tworoite. One is transmission following cell free route and another is transmission following cell to cell route.
The cell free spreading of HIV virus happens as buding from one infected t cell into blood fluid and then infect to other nearby t helper cell.
In different study, it have found that the sweat, saliva and urine is not participate in HIV virus transmission.
AIDS and other disease relation
Some of the scientists belives that AIDS is not a disease but a disease condition that makes opportunity of infacting by various kinds of virus and bacreria. Different types of disease are found to develop aggressive way in HIV infecred people. Pneumonia, fungal infection, Tubercolosis, Toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus are the most common complication that develops with the development of AIDS.
The responsible strain of HIV virus is HIV-1 and HIV-2. The srain HIV-1 is found in all over the world. But srain HIV-2 is somewhat geographical selective. This strain of HIV is available in western Africa, Europe and in India.
AIDS and its relation with Cancer development
There found a significant relationship of Cancer development in HIV infected people. The risk of developing of various types of virus induced cancer is increase with the development of AIDS condition of the HIV infected patients. These are Kaposi's sarcoma, Burkitts lymphoma, primary central nervous system lymphoma and cervical cancer.
The study on HIV infected and AIDS patient shows that 10% to 20% of HIV infected people suffers in Kaposi's sarcoma in their life time.
AIDS symptom
AIDS is an opportunistic condition of other virus or bacteria to infect easily to the AIDS people. Frequent infection is an important symptom of HIV infection. Diarrhea is a very common symptom of AIDS patient. Nunty percent of AIDS patient suffers in frequent diarrhoeal condition.
Night sweating, prolonged fever, swollen lymph nodes are most common symptom of HIV infection.