Big Bang

Very interesting question is that how our universe was created? Big Bang theory provides us the idea concerned with creating our universe. What is Big Bang? Big Bang is a cosmological theorem. Big Bang theory states that Universe is a nature of expansion and it is expanding continuously from hot and dense state. Big Bang theorem supports following conceptions. Big Bang theory strongly support the conception of singularity of the universe. According to the singularity of the universe there as a unique state from where whole universe is created It is considered that Big Bang was started in 1.3 billion years ago. This time is also considered as a age of universe. First Big Bang started by cooling of a state. This cooling of the hot state forms subatomic particles to form atom. It is thought that first nucleus of the universe forms after three minutes of initial starting of Big Bang. Now an interesting question. How these particles and atoms forms stars and galaxies? Due to the force of gravity these particles and elements comes together and formed stars and galaxies. Misconception about Big Bang There have a misunderstanding about Big Bang. To erase the misunderstanding look at the statement below Big Bang is not an explosion of mass and space, but it is only an expansion. Expansion of universe is its own Properties of Big Bang Big Bang or the expansion of universe is accelerating. This accelerating nature of expansion of universe is found from the redshift of supernovae. The growth of the universe or expansion of the universe happens according to the exponential rule Big Bang or expansion of universe happens from hot and dense state to the cold and lighter state. Big Bang theory is dependent on the universality of physical law and on the cosmological principle. The cosmological principle defines universe as homogeneous and isotropic Edwin Hubbles conclusion from the galactic redshift clearly shows that continuously galaxies are drifting apart from each other. A well known experiments of hubble shows how continuously dense elements are getting distance from each other. This experiment strongly supports Big Bang. Hubbles Experiment Hubble put a drop of colour on the outer surface of a balloon. In small area the colour was so dense. When hubble entered gas into balloon, it expanded. Hubble looked the dense colour elements are getting distance to each other. Not only that there creating some colourless line. This experiment strongly supports the expansion of universe or Big Bang.

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