
Astrologists are hopeful to find extraterrestrial life out from our earth even out from our galaxy. NASA chief Mr. Bolden already ensured with very clearly that extraterrestrial life is exist anywhere out of our earth. Alien, extraterrestrial life Alien is a common and general phenomenon in terms of extraterrestrial life imagined and proposed by astrologists that indicates something outside of our earth that have supernatural power that is called "life" in our earth. That super power is that phenomenon which draws a clear sharp line between living organism and nonliving organism. Our earth is a negligible with comparison of our universe. If there exist an abundance of animals and plants in our earth, why not life will exist outside from our earth in anywhere of the universe? It is considered that life should be any format in extraterrestrial region. Living organs format may be just like same that exist in our earth or something different from our earth. Let us discuss about what should be the alien life format. In our earth there have different life format. Such as microbes, plants, animals, intelligent animals. But scientists are guessed about different thing about life format. In our earth life constituent is carbon. In our earth life is carbon formatted. It is not clear that alien life will be carbon formatted or different formatted? Theorems that provides the evidence of alien life Let us consider some theorem and assumption that can provide a clear evidence of alien in extraterrestrial region. First look at how living organism originate in our earth. It is believed that  living organism is originated from the non livings. Just like evolution of living organism, nonliving elements also show evolutionary property. Big Bang theory of universe also shows that every elements of universe getting distance from a singular point. With expansion the properties of each element is changing. The properties of earth today is a large degree difference from the property of earth before million years ago. Once there had no existence of living organism. When earth placed a point that is appropriate for blossom of living organism, living organism originated. Another things let consider. Certain living organism have certain surviving power. Some microbes can survives bellow the temperature of zero degree and some can in higher degree of temperature. Some are found to go to dormant state in uncertain environment for survival Evolutionary theorem in living organism also shows how one living organism transform into another shape of living organism. The abundance of living organism caused from microbes is the straight forward statement of evolutionary theorem. Dormant state of microbes also states that it is possible for microbes to cross uncertain situation. This theorem increases the probability of finding life in extraterrestrial life. If any planet or galaxies reach in a position where life is impossible for a certain cause, there have a possibility for microbes existing here to go into dormant state to continuing their life in a favourable environment. Big Bang theory also states that once a day may come our earth may reach in such a position where life may be impossible.  In this case some microbes will tends to go into dormant state. If after a billion years latter if favourable environment comes they may regain there life. Not only that but also the evidence of interconversion between non living organs into living organs and living organs into non living organs also gives an assumption of originating life outside of our earth. Even, outside from our galaxy.  It is not exactly clear about the life format of alien. It may be the smallest element of alien is carbon or it may not be. Life may not be as same as in our earth. It may be found in different format. Where for energy human beings need glucose, there may need another things for alien. The physiological process may not be as same as life in our earth. There may found microbe states of life to intelligent states of life. Forcasting of alien life format is complex and unclear. But yet astrobiologists assumes that, whatever the format of life, it is clear that life exists in extraterrestrial region It is also true that there have a lot of scientific conception in terms of alien existence. If it exists? or not? Different scientific research and theories giving different views. Somethings are saying about the upcoming days when we are getting to meet with alien and others are also saying that it may not be found.

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