Monday 13 April 2015

Rutherford's atomic model

In 1909 Rutherford and Marsden did an experiment that is called Alpha particles scattering experiment. This experiment proves some of the characteristics of nucleus and electron. Based on the Alpha particle scattering experiment Rutherford proposed a model of atom. This is Rutherfords atomic model. According to Rutherford's atomic model, Nucleus is the dense and central particles of an atom that is positively charged and contails the all of mass of atom. The volume of nucleus is negligible with comparing with the volume of the atom. The electron is negatively charged particles that move surrounding the nucleus just like the movement of plannet surrounding the sun. In alpha particle scattering experiment we see that the alpha paticle that is near by the nucleus that is more deflected. Some particles will never cross the atom and reflected from nucleus. We know that alpha particle is positively charged. This deflection of alpha particles happens due to the repulsion of the positively charged nucleus.


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