
Showing posts from July, 2015


Dinosaurs origin and extinction Dinosaurs origin and extinction is very important topics for scientists in order to make relation of these probable cause with other factor. Dinosaurs extinction from earth is considered as the partial evidence of earlier cosmic eruption and unavoidable climate change and natural disaster. Because in different scientific thought extinction of Dinosaur is believed to the cause of cosmic disaster. This view also help cosmologist in their cosmology research in considering future cosmic disaster that can rapid change of the universe. Dinosaurs are considered as the primitive animals of earth that originates in earth before the originating of human, even the extinction of Dinosaurs are also so far before from the originating of human. But today dinosaurs are only a past story of animals world of earth. There have a wide variety of conception about the extinction of dinosaurs kingdom. Origin of Dinosaurs in earth is a history of complex and long term evo...

DNA transformation

Introduction of social transformation of DNA into animals A scientific experiment by British Scientist Frederick Griffith on Pneumonia causing bacteria explores a probability of finding another kinds of DNA transformation by social contact. For a better understanding of the topics, let us discuss every word part to part. Let us consider the term social activity. When two animal become close to each other for a certain cause, it may for communication or may for play or may for walk altogether, we term gathering of animals closer to each other as a social activity. When a group of animal close together surrounding their friend who had died it also my termed as the social interaction between live animal and death animal.  We are familiar with different types of properties of transformation between animals. Behaviour transformation, intelligence transformation is well known. A long period of friendship with a scientist may lead someone to become a scientist. If someone get a people w...

Particle infection

We may know about different types of chemical compound and chemicals, Ultraviolet radiations, toxic elements how significantly causes harmful effect on body cells and causes diseases. But these types of diseases are not grouped into infectious disease. Because, infection have certain type of properties and in general view the responsible substance should have some specifi function within the body that is similar with the function of living organism. Discovery of new class of particles provide us few new conception about life and living organism and few new conception about non livings. Not only that these particles also introduced new idea in medical science. There found two particles that somewhat similar with virus, but exactly these are not virus. These are nonliving particles. These two particles are Viriods and Prions. It an wonderful topics that these two particles can causes infectious disease. Hence, the definition of infectious disease should modify in medical science. In ge...

Special theory of relativity

Special theory of relativity is also called Einstein's special theory of relativity that leads to develop of Einsteins general theory of relativity . In 1905, American physicist who is German born, Albert Einstein introduce a new conception that concerned with time and space and brought time and space into an unique continuum so called space time. Special theory of relativity ignores the separate concept of time and space. But time and space are same and concentrate into a general phenomenon that is called space time. History of special theory of relativity In 1987, American physicist Albert Michelson and Edward Morley conduct an experiment on speed of light. But they found some abnormal behaviour of light speed. Michelson and Morley experiment shows that speed of light is independent to observer. To an observer the speed of light will same in moving and in resting. Such kinds of independence of light speed also found by the Law of electromagnetism by Clerk Maxwell. According t...

Artificial intelligence

Astrophysicists believes that the upcoming day is not very far from us that we are going to face a new format of life in cosmos. When the day will come it is difficult to predict, but it is easy to predict that the day is coming. Astrophysicist have made clear already that somewhere distance from earth there have life that may not like life in our earth. Even it may not be a biological base. It is not a wonder if someone predict the life in cosmos is a few light year distance from earth or galaxy is based on a different format. But someone may be wonder to know that after a few light year latter or nearby upcoming days his next generation will be in a new format of life, that my not be based on carbon. But it is really that different cosmological prediction allow cosmologist, physicist and philosophers to draw a conclusion that cosmic life transformation into artificial intelligences are happening in cosmos. Existing biological life in cosmos is going to transform into non biological...

Hawking radiation

Radiation Physicist are familiar with the term "radiation". Radiation can simply defined as emission of energy in wave or particle form. With different type of radiation we are familiar with. Such as ultraviolet radiation, X-ray, alpha particles radiation, beta particles radiation, Gama particles radiation, cosmic radiation, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared radiation, thermal radiation, radio wave and black body radiation. Another kinds of radiation are observed concerned with black hole which is called Hawking radiation that can explain different term of astronomy concerned with black hole. Hawking radiation is one kind of radiation observed in event horizon of black hole. Hawking radiation is in most of case similar with black body radiation. Another name of Hawking radiation is Benkenstein-Hawking radiation. It is considered that Hawking radiation is caused by the quantum effect in event horizon. Event horizon is an imaginary boundary of black hole. It is bel...