Dinosaurs origin and extinction
Dinosaurs origin and extinction is very important topics for scientists in order to make relation of these probable cause with other factor.
Dinosaurs extinction from earth is considered as the partial evidence of earlier cosmic eruption and unavoidable climate change and natural disaster. Because in different scientific thought extinction of Dinosaur is believed to the cause of cosmic disaster. This view also help cosmologist in their cosmology research in considering future cosmic disaster that can rapid change of the universe.
Dinosaurs are considered as the primitive animals of earth that originates in earth before the originating of human, even the extinction of Dinosaurs are also so far before from the originating of human. But today dinosaurs are only a past story of animals world of earth. There have a wide variety of conception about the extinction of dinosaurs kingdom.
Origin of Dinosaurs in earth is a history of complex and long term evolutionary and adaption process. Adaption is a process of gaining some characteristics for survival. Once a period had come when few animals started to feel such such way that these they do not have to require to deposit eggs into water. Reptile is the first vertebrate of the earth that developed such kinds of adaption. From fossil study it can say reptiles was originated into earth before long age ago of discovering of first reptiles fossil that was about 350 million years past. This time is called Carboniferous period. At the close of Permian period again reptiles are started to change by adaption, because earth became complex to survive for the water dependent amphibians. Because in this time earth became cool and less humid. Lakes, ponds and rivers became dried up. In such environment these amphibians started to change by adaption. After a long course of adaption a specific type of reptile are originate into earth that is about 215 million years ago at the end of the Triassic period. These dominant reptiles was Dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs were endothermic in nature. The size of Dinosaurs were small to large. Probably, a one type of Dinosaurs named Brachiosaurus was the largest animal in earth. Certain type of legs position that was directly beneath their body was enabled Dinosaurs to fast running. Brachiosaurus were herbivorous in nature and few types of Dinosaurs were carnivorous.
How the earth became complex to survival? It was thought that once the earth became reduced of green plants. For the abnormal reducing of green plants from earth dinosaurs became unable to manage their sufficient level of food for survival. Dinosaurs was herbivorous. Herbivorous animals are these that lives on eating plants. There have a cosmological concept about the extinction of Dinosaurs from earth. In cosmological view extinction of Dinosaurs are the result of huge cosmic disaster. A huge meteorite was thought to crashed into earth that is thought to be responsible for creating huge dust in air that restrict the sunlight. And finally reduced the sufficient level of energy to make plants food. Due to reduced food supply the earth became unfavourable for survival. It was the time 65 million year past from toady is considered as the extinction time of Dinosaurs from earth. In different scientists views the huge volcanic eruption and lava flow are another causes of extinction of Dinosaurs.
But in view of different scientists, Dinosaurs are exists in earth in an adapted form as bird. Dinosaurs are thought as the ancestors of modern bird