DNA transformation

Introduction of social transformation of DNA into animals A scientific experiment by British Scientist Frederick Griffith on Pneumonia causing bacteria explores a probability of finding another kinds of DNA transformation by social contact. For a better understanding of the topics, let us discuss every word part to part. Let us consider the term social activity. When two animal become close to each other for a certain cause, it may for communication or may for play or may for walk altogether, we term gathering of animals closer to each other as a social activity. When a group of animal close together surrounding their friend who had died it also my termed as the social interaction between live animal and death animal.  We are familiar with different types of properties of transformation between animals. Behaviour transformation, intelligence transformation is well known. A long period of friendship with a scientist may lead someone to become a scientist. If someone get a people who speaks well and get friendship with him, after two or three years latter he will gain few wonderful properties to speak well.  But, now the question is that is it possible to transformation of DNA without biological process. Gaining of any property of any substance from other substance by close contact or approximately close nearly is termed as induction process in physics. Physics theory of induction shows us that how a non magnet iron convert into magnet with the nearby contact with a magnet British scientist, Frederick Griffith in 1928 started to know why bacteria causes disease. In view of this he done an experiment that shows him wonderful behaviour of bacteria. Griffith isolated two different strain of bacteria. One can causes Pneumonia and other cannot do this. He cultured these two group of bacteria in his culture plate. Both of strain of bacteria grew on culture plate. But they shows different behaviour of socialisation. Pneumonia causing harmful bacteria found to grow at the smooth edge of culture plate and harmless bacteria was found to grew on raw side of the culture plate. It is looks like a beautiful colonisation of two different strain of bacteria. In social life such type of colonising is available in many of the animals and even, in human. The colonised bacteria when inject into mice's body, mice do not infected. But colonised bacteria grew up at the smooth edge of plate when inject into mice body that caused pneumonia Another experiment had done after killing of disease causing bacteria by heat and mixing these with harmless strained bacteria and injecting the mixture into mice's body. It should be happened that mice should not develop disease, because harmful bacteria is dead. But these mice developed Pneumonia. What happened in this case? In 1944, at Rockefeller Institute in New York, done an experiment lead by lead by Canadian Biologist Oswald Avery in order to discover the facts. They discovered that  a transformation of DNA happened from disease causing bacteria to harmful bacteria and harmless bacteria gained such DNA that can cause Pneumonia. This type of DNA transformation is called Griffith transformation

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