Special theory of relativity
Special theory of relativity is also called Einstein's special theory of relativity that leads to develop of Einsteins general theory of relativity. In 1905, American physicist who is German born, Albert Einstein introduce a new conception that concerned with time and space and brought time and space into an unique continuum so called space time.
Special theory of relativity ignores the separate concept of time and space. But time and space are same and concentrate into a general phenomenon that is called space time.
History of special theory of relativity
In 1987, American physicist Albert Michelson and Edward Morley conduct an experiment on speed of light. But they found some abnormal behaviour of light speed. Michelson and Morley experiment shows that speed of light is independent to observer. To an observer the speed of light will same in moving and in resting. Such kinds of independence of light speed also found by the Law of electromagnetism by Clerk Maxwell. According to Maxwell's Law of electromagnetism the speed of light is independent to the observers velocity
But the emergence of special theory of relativity shows us that time and space is different to different observers.
Applications of special theory of relativity
Special theory of relativity says that it is necessary to point any position of any object never be accurate if time is not included with it. Special theory of relativity teaches us the conception of a point in four dimensional space instead of three dimensions.
Space time interval and speed of light is two invariant that provides a new transformation law that is called Lorentz transformation law that is able to make a coordination of one body moving relatively other body.
Special theory of relativity shows that any objects mass will be relatively high comparing with the same object in rest. For this cause it is impossible to find any materials that can posses speed of light to travel. Only that can achieve speed of light what is zero mass in rest. Photon is such example that can achieve speed of light in travel.
Relativity of time also can prove by the Lorentz effect on clock. The flow of time by a moving clock is relatively slow than a stationary clocks time flow.
Just a one thing should be consider to apply Lorentz transformation law to measure the relative value of things that objects speed should be less than the speed of light. Otherwise, Lorentz transformation law may show unusual inaccurate result in measuring the relative values.
After publishing special theory of relativity, Albert Einstein woks at least 10 years to develop special theory in order to including acceleration into the theory. Finally, Einstein announced his new theorem that is called general theory of relativity that is included with acceleration.