Banana and its health benifit

Banana is a very nutritious fruit that contains essential elements for our healrh.

It supplies a lot of vitamin and minerals to body. Banana is a rich vitamin C abundant fruits. 

Banana comes from plant family called Musa. Mostly it grows in south Asia. It contains fibres, minerals and vitamins. The potassiam in Banana is beneficial for normal heart rate. It controls blood pressure effecgively.
Vitamin B6, and antioxidant improves health condition.
Banana is a fruit that can consume when it unriped as well as when it riped. In unriped banana carbs is presents as 80 parcent of starch. But when it riped it converts into sucrose, glucose and sugar.

The starch of Banana in our large intestine forms butyrate by bacteria fermantation that is a short chain fatty acid. It improves our gut health.
Banana contains dopamine. But the dopamin of banana does not cross blood brain barier. It acts like an antioxidant.
Catechin: Banana contains several types of flavonoids. One of the most important flavonoid is catechin. It reduces the risk of heart disease.
Resistant starch and pactin is a diatery fibre and both of the element asc as prebiotic nutrient to grow bacteria in gut. Hence it provides gut health benefit.

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