Black hole is a region of spacetime that pocess such kinds of gravitational pole where nothing can escape from it, even particles and electromagnetic wave. General theory of relativity by Albert Einstein can give an idea of creating black hole. According to general theory of relativity sufficient amount of compact mass can form spacetime that leads to form black hole. Black hole may be in three types. Micro types, stellar massive and supermassive. There consider of a boundary of a black hole, that is called event horizon. Event horizon is such kinds of boundary region of black hole from where no escape is possible. Black hole may be compared with the nature of black body, because like black body, black hole do not reflects light. Simply, it is said that what a things matter or light fall into black hole have no chance of return back. In quantum field theorem it have that event horizon can emite a radiation which is called Hawking radiation . How black...
Einstein's mass energy transformation equation Albert Einstein established an equation that explains the relationship between mass and energy. This equation also explains how matter transform into energy. It is also called mass energy transformation equation. Mathematically mass energy transformation equation is expressed as bellow, E = mc² From above equation the symbol E is denoted for energy, m is for mass and c is for speed of light. Matter and energy inter transformation Matter can transform into energy explained by Einstein's mass energy transformation equation. In opposite manner energy also can transform into matter. If it was impossible to transform energy into mass then it was impossible to form our existing universe. Think about Big Bang. The first nucleus of the universe was created after three minute of Big Bang. What was the initial state before the Big Bang? An analysis of big bang theory shows that after big bang a hot and dense energy state starte...
The force acting among the objects that tends to closer together is attractive force. The opposite concept of attractive force is repulsive force. Repulsive force tends the particle to go away as far as possible. within an electrostatic force there exist both attractive force and repulsive force. Centripetal force tends to electron to go to nucleus and centrifugal force tends electron far away from the nucleus. Within a magnet we find that opposite pole of magnet attract each other and same pole of magnet repulse each other. Same electric charge repulse each other and opposite electric charge attract each other.