Sunday 24 May 2015

Pauli exclusion principle

Pauli exclusion principles major part is concerned with quantum number of an atom. A clear understanding of Pauli exclusion principle, in what it is important to give concern that is quantum number.

Pauli exclusion  principle States that In same orbital two electrons four quantum number never same. In that case it may be possible of same value of quantum number In same orbital maximum three, but never it be four.

If two electrons principle quantum  number, azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum number be same turned spin quantum number must be different In this case.

If In an orbital spin of one electron if clockwise then others spin will be anticlockwise.
Quantum Number

 With increasing of the complex concept about electrons nature in an atom there needs an integral number to define the electrons behaviour surrounding the nucleus.

Types of quantum number

There found four types of quantum number. These are principle quantum number, azimuthal quantum number, magnetic quantum number and spin quantum number.

Exactly, quantum number is some integral number that is used to expression of electrons position, shapes, orientation within an atomic orbital. The four quantum number provides as possible as accurate description of electronic commerce In atomic orbital.

Principle quantum number

Principle quantum number indicates the number of shell In an atom. It represented by n.principle quantum number calculates energy of an electron, distance of electron from nucleus  and

cording to Pauli exclusion principal, It is impossible for two electron in an atom to posses the same value of four quantum number.

Pauli exclusion principal explains that if there found that three quantum number of two electron is same, at least one quantum number of two electron will different. Let in an atom principal quantum number, azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum number is same, but the spin quantum number must be different value.

Application of Pauli exclusion principle

With the application of Pauli exclusion principle, it is possible to calculate the maximum number of electron In an orbit and sub shell and main shell.
According to Pauline exclusion principle, In an orbital may have at most two electron, one with the spin quantum number of positive half and other with the spin quantum ner of negative sign half.

Hence, each electron In each orbital have different set of quantum number.

The relationship of number of electron In a sub shell with the principle quantum number follows a mathematical equation. In this case maximum number of electron In an orbital is equal to 2 multiplied by the square of principle quantum number.


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