Electromeric effect
Electromeric effect is reffered as an effect that involve with the pi bond of the molecule and the polarity happens for the displacement of the pi electron by outside reagents.
Electromeric effect is just like a mesomeric effect but only difference is that it is due to the effect of eletrophiles.
When any electrophiles attact to the pi electron tgere happens a polarity in the bond. This effects is called Electromeric effect.
Electromeric effect reffered as E. Electromeric effect is a temporary effect. Iy happens only for the effect of reagent.
Just consider an example hat defines electromeric effect sufficiently. In ethylene there have carbon carbon double bond ehere one is sigma bond and another is pi bond. Ehen any electrophiles get closer to the ethylene it attact to the pi orbital of the bond. A displacement of pi electron happened and therefore create polarity.