
Centrifugal force

Centrifugal force Centrifugal force is a ficttious force in Newtonian classical mechanics. In every rotating frame of reference. In rotating device like centrifugal pump, centrifuge, centrifugal clutches, centrifugal force is applied. Earth is a rotating frame of reference but it's fictitious force is small due to slow rotation. In any point of earth surface the strength and local gravity is the combination of centrifugal force and gravitational force. An object weighted on a spring have two force. In downward direction we find gravitational force and in upward direction we find restoring force of spring. Rotating force motion results another fictitious force that is called Coriolis force. Rate of rotation in a frame of reference if changes another fictitious force is required that is called Eular force.

Centripetal force

Within nucleus electron revolves surrounding nucleus is not collapse even, not go far from nucleus. It is nothing but a result of electrostatic force. Electrostatic force is a combination of two forces opposite direction. These are centripetal force electron direction toward centre and centrifugal force which is directed opposite of centre. According to Rutherford atomic model, both forces are equal and opposite direction within an electron. Centripetal force Directed toward the centre of atom. Any forces directed toward centre is centripetal force. Centripetal force are always found in circularmotion. When any object moves circularly the centripetal force act towards centre of the circular path along with radius of the circle. The force is always orthogonal and fixed to the centre of the curvature. Gravity is a best example of centripetal force. Issac Newton says that it always drawn object. In Newtonian classical mechanics, Centripetal force causes due to orbits of ast...

Genetic linkage

Genetic linkage is a term that indicates the tendency of inheritance of two nearest gene sequence in a chromosome during meiosis cell division. Gene linkage is the most important expectation in The law of independent assortment by Gregor Johannes Mandel. Two genetic marker in a chromosome inheritance probability depends on distance between themselves. this distance is count by centi Morgan. The nearest gene sequence have highest chance of inheritance and less chance of recombination. During genetic crossover two physically nearest gene in chromosome is unlikely to seperates into different chromatid during meiosis cell division.


Grapes Grapes are abundant of Vitamin C, antioxidant, menerals like calcium, magnessium, potassium. These abundance of nitrients provides a lot of health benifits. It boost immunue system Because of having Vitamin C in grapes it boost immunity. Vitamin C fight against virus and bacteria as well as yeast infection.  Poassium in grapes improves heart health. Water prevents dehydration. Calcium improves bone hearlth.  Antioxidant in grapes reduce the risk of cancer by reducing free radicals.

Gene expression

Gene expression is a process of encoding Gene into DNA to form final product protein. There have two process of gene expression One is transcription and another is translation. Through, a gene expression process genotypes appears as phenotypes.  There, also have some steps of gene expression. These are, Tramscription RNA splicing Translation Post translational modification Gene regulation

Banana and its health benifit

Banana is a very nutritious fruit that contains essential elements for our healrh. It supplies a lot of vitamin and minerals to body. Banana is a rich vitamin C abundant fruits.  Banana comes from plant family called Musa. Mostly it grows in south Asia. It contains fibres, minerals and vitamins. The potassiam in Banana is beneficial for normal heart rate. It controls blood pressure effecgively. Vitamin B6, and antioxidant improves health condition. Banana is a fruit that can consume when it unriped as well as when it riped. In unriped banana carbs is presents as 80 parcent of starch. But when it riped it converts into sucrose, glucose and sugar. The starch of Banana in our large intestine forms butyrate by bacteria fermantation that is a short chain fatty acid. It improves our gut health. Banana contains dopamine. But the dopamin of banana does not cross blood brain barier. It acts like an antioxidant. Catechin: Banana contains several types of flavonoids. One of the most important...

How to Germinate seed effectively?

Seed is a zygote that is able to produce new plant if favorable environment is available.