Complexity on mass

Mass is a well established phenomenon in physics. But yet, there have been created a big comolexity on mass. Though in different theorem of physics there found a wide range of use of the phenomenon mass, but yet few scientists and researchers consider mass as only an imaginary topics in theoretical physics.


 Mass is an innertial properties of substance that determines how a substance will attracted by the gravitation.

It was widely considered that every substance have mass.  Just fir example, air, liquid and solid are considered as substance. Substance is these that can occupy space.

In different theory of physics shows that matter have mass. Verry well known theory of Albert Einstein, that is called mass energy yransformation equation shows that mass can convert into energy. This theorem explains the existence of mass. Stephen Hawking also do not ignore the existance of mass.

Mass energy transformation equation

Mass energy transformation equation shows that mass can convert into energy by following the equation E= mc².

Mass have a relation with force. Force is equal to mass product with acceleration. Weight of a matter is indicates that a force that alow a matter to fall with the effect of gravitation. Weight is equal to mass product with  gravity.  But with an experiment there creates a complexity about mass with its experiment.

In vaccum different mass of substance falls from same height in same time. If in falling of substance there have a relationship of force, why the substance will not fall in different time in vaccum? If the mass of two substance is different then the force of falling would be different. Because force = mg. Where m is denotated for mass and g is acceleration and it have a constant value.

How distance will a substance  will go is depends on force. Exactly when any substance of different mass of substance falls, there creates a restriction by air on different mass and shapes of substance. For this reason it seems that these matter falls in different time.

 But if we consider mass as an imaginary term in physics then most of theorem in physics will face limitation.

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