
Is fashion is art? or Is it a science?

Fashion may be both two. From different parameter fashion can defined and describe.

I think fashion is a combination of science, arts and creativity.

Fashion in view of arts and creativity means just introducing a new structure of life attractive that is something like ornamentation.

Fashion of human being behaves as same as the behaves as the nature. We may think about the fashion of the nature and geography. Nature and environment is found a characteristics of changing of the fashion periodically. With the flow of time fashion of the environment get changes.

Time flows to forward, old season says goodbye and new season says welcome. The new season ornaments the nature in new way. Nature faces with new glamour.

In rainy season the sky become dense with dark cloud, In winter the leafs and grasses weighted with snow dwarfs. In spring usually new leaves grew up and the environment obtain a new fashion.

As same as the nature human also changes its fashion with time to time. In that case also have periodical nature of shifting of fashion. In some of the case changing of fashion is totally shows no return back tendency.

Periodical fashion changing

Periodical changing of fashion is that kinds of fashion that says goodbye to a people for a short period of time and return back after a certain period of time. With the going away of winter season you may storage your jacket in a suitcase but it may not forever. It must be return back to you in next winter. It is a periodical fashion.
No return back fashion
No return back fashion is these kinds of fashion that shows no tendency if it leave away from someones life. Just think about your childhood and childhood dress. What kinds of dresses were very found of you in your childhood, you have no tendency of return back in such kinds of dresses in your young age. The childhood fashion that have gone away shows no return back tendency.

Fashion and culture

Fashion in different country and nation have different feature. Fashion is excessively related with the cultural value of people. The people with the Chinese region is familiar with the different types of fashion which is somewhat different with the fashion of Latin American people.

Geographical feature impacts on fashion of peoples. The people of the forest area familiar with what kinds of fashion, peoples of the coastal area is not similarly familiar with such types of fashion. The region where sunlight falls directly there may be found such types of dresses that can significantly reduces the harmful effect of directly falling sunlight.

Another two types of fashion may be found. Fashion for self satisfaction and fashion for satisfying others. What type of fashion you will accept or what types of fashion you will reject depends on individuals view.

Some people may found that they are doing fashion only for their own satisfaction. If his fashion be very odd to the other people, whatever?  They are only doing only for their own satisfaction. They are happy in this matter.

Some people do fashion in order to satisfy other that other people praise about his or her beauty.

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