Scientific relation of music with scientists

From the primitive time of science an wonderful relationship of music with science were very clear. Scientists were found with music as well as they were very expert on music. This involvement of scientists were aggressively found from the Pythagorian period. Using natural selection process most of the scientists became famous musician. Till now most of the scientists will found that they are very found of music and too much expert in music.

It should not be very wonderful matter if you see a physicist are creating rhythm and harmony with his piano. Rather it should be happen. It is a natural and as usual term that a physicist should be good musician.

The relationship of music with scientists is possible to discuss scientifically. Let divide our discussion into two separate part. One is the cause of becoming very found with music and second is the cause of scientists being expert of music production.

Both of the two consequence happens due to some interrelated as well as some separate reason.
Why scientists become very found of music?
In this case some of the psychological, biochemical, physics law plays important role of scientists becoming of very found with music. Let us analyze the psychological cause of scientists becoming of very found with music.

Psychological cause

We everybody knows about the view of scientists. The main objectives of a scientist is discovering a new things. Finding a way of solution of problem. But it is not an easy task and even quite difficult. Most of the scientist you will found spending of hole life struggling with finding the new way of effective solution of the problem and to leave the life without finding no solution.

With above discussion we find a characteristics of scientists that is a great expectation of finding new way of solution. The natural psychology of human beings says that most of the expectation of life should satisfy for mental peace and comfort. If any expectation become impossible to satisfy completely, that at least it should be satisfy partially.

Just think, you have a great expectation of becoming a friend with your classmate who is the most beautiful girl in your class. You proposed her of your friendship and rejected .  What a sad matter? You get pain. Because your expectation is remaining unsatisfying.. A pain emerged in your mind. What may be the option of cure from the pain. You should make a balance pleasure with pain. The natural law of psychology will stimulate you to search something that may give you pleasure which should be responsible to reduce pain.

Music is very common scientific term that can give pleasure to you. When peoples become sorrow with some pain for unsatisfied need they tends to do something that can significantly reduces the pain.

Scientists when tired with searching new things for a long period of time and get pain due to their long period of unsatisfying of their need. This unsatisfying of need sometimes leads them to such things that can provide them pleasure.

Love for gained skill

Human have an extraordinary characteristics of loving something. They loves these what they knows better. In this case loving of something is in most of the case dependent on humans own skill. You will tend to do this that you will do better.

Music is a scientific term concerned with physics, biochemistry, psychology and mathematics. Scientists become more familiar with music with their own lives adaptive development. Due to becoming with more familiar with the natural selection process scientific people become very mostly fan of music.

You can do an experiment. Just select your few number of scientific friend. You can select them in random selection process. Go to their reading room. In most of the case you may find a lot of music albums are in their room.

Why scientists easily become expert of music?

Using natural selection process scientists can become more expert in music and composing of music. Scientists become more familiar with the theory of music and gained skill of composing music naturally with their absence of mind.

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