Autoimmune disease
Autoimmune disease
Autoimmune disease is one kind of physical disorder caused by increased level of immunue attack. Most of the case autoimmunue disorder is found in women. Though man and woman both can affact by autoimmune disorder. For better understanding of autoimmune disorder it is very important to know immunity of body.
Immunity is a degree of defence power of body against foreign particles into body. The body defence system is called immunity of the body. Immunity of the body of the animals are dependent on the immunue system.
There have different types of immunity In our body system. Immunity Ingenerally means a protective and preventive, in addition a defensive system of oour body that is responsible to restricting of entering the harmful substance into the body. Outer layer skin of ooour body is an example of such kinds of protecting system. The level of antibody into the body is the main component of immunity. Shrinkage plays a vital role of protecting life from specific types of antigen.
When some forrign particles enter into body, immunity recognised it as a foreign harmful particle and attack on this foreign particle.
An autoimmune disorder starts when body immunue system wrongly identify the body organs as a harmfull particles and attack these to destroy. Sometimes antibody can identify the bone as a foreign particles of the body. When they identify the organs as the harmful foreign particle, their natural characteristics stimulates these to attack and destroy. The core function of our immunue system is antigen antibody response. Let us describe antigen antibody function in our body.
Antigen: A foreign particles into body is antigen. Antigen may be virus, bacteria, toxins etc. Antigens are responsible for cause specific types of diseases.
Antibody: When antigen enter into body, body produces antibody against this specific kinds of antigen.
Antibody plays a major role in our immune system. If someone contains sufficient level of antibody to protect Salmonella typhi, he will able to protect future infection by Salmonella typhi. Another things also happens
Examples of autoimmunue disorder are given below,
Most common autoimmune disorders are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.
If the autoimmune disorder become severe then the mortality for autoimmune disorder increases. Mortality is the rate of dath from the affacted population. The measures of mortality is done by the ratio of amount of individuals by a disease and number of individuals death by this disease.
There have different types of immunity In our body system. Immunity Ingenerally means a protective and preventive, in addition a defensive system of oour body that is responsible to restricting of entering the harmful substance into the body. Outer layer skin of ooour body is an example of such kinds of protecting system. The level of antibody into the body is the main component of immunity. Shrinkage plays a vital role of protecting life from specific types of antigen.
When some forrign particles enter into body, immunity recognised it as a foreign harmful particle and attack on this foreign particle.
When autoimmune disorder happens?
An autoimmune disorder starts when body immunue system wrongly identify the body organs as a harmfull particles and attack these to destroy. Sometimes antibody can identify the bone as a foreign particles of the body. When they identify the organs as the harmful foreign particle, their natural characteristics stimulates these to attack and destroy. The core function of our immunue system is antigen antibody response. Let us describe antigen antibody function in our body.
Antigen: A foreign particles into body is antigen. Antigen may be virus, bacteria, toxins etc. Antigens are responsible for cause specific types of diseases.
Antibody: When antigen enter into body, body produces antibody against this specific kinds of antigen.
Antibody plays a major role in our immune system. If someone contains sufficient level of antibody to protect Salmonella typhi, he will able to protect future infection by Salmonella typhi. Another things also happens
Examples of autoimmunue disorder are given below,
Most common autoimmune disorders are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.
Mortality in autoimmune disorder
If the autoimmune disorder become severe then the mortality for autoimmune disorder increases. Mortality is the rate of dath from the affacted population. The measures of mortality is done by the ratio of amount of individuals by a disease and number of individuals death by this disease.