Sunday 30 October 2016


Earthquake is the shaking of the surface of earth, that results to produces seismic wave. There have a certain cause of happening of earthquake.

Basically, due to releasing of energy from earth causes earth quake. Due to releasing of energy in huge amount appears in certain phenomenon. Such as seismic wave. Seismic wave may be the transformed form of energy.

Seismic wave is a form of energy that propagates along with soil and rock. This wave propagates in such way that the ocean wave propagates.

Earthquake is also known as tremor of the earth.

Two most common scale of measuring of earthquake is seismometer and Rickert scale. Both two scale is similar in function. Both are used to measuring the magnitude of earthquake.
 Scientists have discovered the few probable cause of earthquake

When two heavy rock inside the earth undergo in friction or hit each other from the opposite side then an energy release that causes seismic wave.

Another different cause may have to cause earthquake, Volcanic eruption, and other cosmological cause may involved in earthquake.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Recombinant DNA

Recombinant DNA is one kind of new DNA that is formed by a Biotechnological process by inserting a piece of DNA part from one DNA into another DNA. Where DNA forms naturally there Recombinant DNA forms artificially. It is an artificial application of Genetic Enginering.

Recombinant DNA is also called rDNA. Another name of rDNA is mythecal chimera. In rDNA the sequence of gene is palindromic.

Once sc ientist realised that it is possible to form new structured DNA with a combination of two or more DNA strands. Because, in all DNA have same chemical elements, but different in their sequence and arrangement.

How a recombinant DNA is produces?

There need a host cell to form rDNA. In most case, in laboratory VIVO DNA replication process is allowed to form rDNA.

Cloning vector is a specific DNA strand that is allowed to repklicate in a host living cell. The two strand of DNA may be in different type. Human DNA strand can be replicate with the fungal DNA strand. Any fungal DNA strand may be replicate into bacterial DNA strand.

Steps of producing recombinant DNA

There exactly follows the following stepks for recombinant DNA technology

Selecting a host living cell and cloning vector, preparation of vector DNA, The DNA that will be cloned is prepared, Preparation of rDNA, Hosting of prepared rDNA, Selecting an appropriate organism containing rDNA

Thursday 22 September 2016


Supernovae is an explosion of star. The star that massive 10 or 100 more time massive than sun can go into end as Supernovae. Its a condition of the exploding star with increasing of the luminosity of star millions of time higher than the normal.

Supernova comes from the Latin word "Nova" that means New star.

Scientists found there have two types of supernova. Type one supernova and type two supernova. The basic difference of type one and type two supernova is in these spectra. Where type one supernova do not have any hydrogen line in its spectra there type two supernova have.
A supernova can happen in different way. Sometimes scientists classifies supernova on the basis of happening mechanism of supernova.

When a white dwarf star starts to fuse of carbon and oxygen in its entire body detonation mechanism of supernovae happens.

Another types of supernovae is caused by merging of two neutron stars or merging of massive black hole and neutron stars. The cause of happening of supernova during merging is that loss of orbital energy due to gravitational wave radiation that results as producing of GRB with fireball and afterglow.

Friday 12 February 2016

Gravitational wave

Gravity wave
National Science Foundation, NSF and their announcement of detection of Gravitational wave by their Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory, LIGO can make a rapid advancement of physics research and discoveries of another mysterious of the universe. NSF already announced that they have able to detect gravitational wave. This announcement of detection of gravitational wave have been made a powerful insight into Einsteins general theory of relativity. Because, the existence of gravitational wave in universe was predicted century years ago by Albert Einstein by his general theory of relativity. In general theory of relativity, Albert Einstein predicts gravitational wave as the ripples of space time. According to general theory of relativity Gravitational wave is a ripples of space time curvature and it propagates as wave. General theory also predicts about the transport and propagation style of gravitational wave. general theory of relativity predicts the transportation of gravitational wave as gravitational radiation. In terms of gravitational wave general theory of relativity and Newtonian theory of gravitation is somewhat difference in some extant. Gravitational wave is absent in Newtonian gravitation theory.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Music and dance

Function is an mathematical term that indicates the relationship of one variable with another variable. You may find different phenomenon that is correlated with each other. The households income is correlated with how costly  food they will consume. Eating fast food may be related with the income level of the individual people. But how much calories per day he required is not correlated with the income level.

Your high income may lead you to buy and high priced shoe. But it will not lead you to by an Big sizes shoe. That means the size of your show is not correlated with your income level. Your income level may lead you to buy good food. Price of food is correlated with income level, but it never correlated with the amount of required calories. The required calories may depends on your weight and height. To surviving with Big sizes body there need more calories. It is the natural Law of biology.

Music and dance correlation

Music and dance is correlated with each other. It exactly depends on the wavelength of the sound. The more rhythm of sound have more impact on body movement.  This relationship is biological, chemical and psychological. Scientists have found music have a role In secretion of dopamine. Specially, music releases endorphin which is dopamine class neurochemicals that is responsible for pleasure and pain. This is also note that endorphin also an active chemicals of most of the addictive substance. For this cause most of the physiologists called music as a mild class of addiction. How much of endorphin will secrets that is somewhat dependable with  with the pattern of music.

The frequencies of endorphin secretion into body determines how the body will move with respects to musical rhythm.  The rhythm of body that we may termed as dance have a significant correlation with musical rhythm.

Not each music can produce dance similarly to each people. Even not every class of people will get same pleasure with response to same song and music. You may see with wonder that a specific kinds of music is stimulating diverse age range of people in diverse way. The song which is delighting very aggressively to the young is failed to delighting to the elder people. Again the types of song and music how wonder delighting to elder people are not creating same influence to the younger people.

Some of the case this kinds of variation of delighting and enjoyment is differ in gender to gender. Female audience are prone to a specific types of sound wavelength that may not similar popular to the male audience. So a good musician should have to take a consideration of this variability of fans of music age to age and gender to gender. Otherwise the production of music may go to dust. A good musician obviously a good sales people, because he knows better how wavelength of tune should produce in order to satisfying the diverse culture of audience.

Just think why elder people likes specific types of music? It can be explain with physiology and medical term. In most of the case the song and music that is very popular to elder people can not produce dance or body movement of audience.

Complexity on mass

Mass is a well established phenomenon in physics. But yet, there have been created a big comolexity on mass. Though in different theorem of physics there found a wide range of use of the phenomenon mass, but yet few scientists and researchers consider mass as only an imaginary topics in theoretical physics.


 Mass is an innertial properties of substance that determines how a substance will attracted by the gravitation.

It was widely considered that every substance have mass.  Just fir example, air, liquid and solid are considered as substance. Substance is these that can occupy space.

In different theory of physics shows that matter have mass. Verry well known theory of Albert Einstein, that is called mass energy yransformation equation shows that mass can convert into energy. This theorem explains the existence of mass. Stephen Hawking also do not ignore the existance of mass.

Mass energy transformation equation

Mass energy transformation equation shows that mass can convert into energy by following the equation E= mc².

Mass have a relation with force. Force is equal to mass product with acceleration. Weight of a matter is indicates that a force that alow a matter to fall with the effect of gravitation. Weight is equal to mass product with  gravity.  But with an experiment there creates a complexity about mass with its experiment.

In vaccum different mass of substance falls from same height in same time. If in falling of substance there have a relationship of force, why the substance will not fall in different time in vaccum? If the mass of two substance is different then the force of falling would be different. Because force = mg. Where m is denotated for mass and g is acceleration and it have a constant value.

How distance will a substance  will go is depends on force. Exactly when any substance of different mass of substance falls, there creates a restriction by air on different mass and shapes of substance. For this reason it seems that these matter falls in different time.

 But if we consider mass as an imaginary term in physics then most of theorem in physics will face limitation.

The Death of Universe

The End of Universe
 What would be the destiny of our existing universe in nearby future or so far future. where is the destiny of our universe? Will it destroy forever or not? In order to an authentic explanation of universe and its probability of destruction forever let us discuss the tradition laws of physics to the laws of modern physics. Physics says destruction forever of something may not be possible, but it may be possible to transformation of one state of something into another state. From the study of the theory of big bang we found a a rapid and spontaneous transformation of energy into matter happened after big ban g due to rapid cooling of the hot and dense state of the universe. After three minute of big bang first Nucleus of the universe formed. In opposite view, we find energy may found by the transformation of matter into energy. The mass energy transformation equation of Albert Einstein shows us that a huge energy is possible to obtain from a little amount of matter. Another recent updated conception about black hole phenomenon gives us another insight about our universe and its future destiny. It is possible of having hair of black hole. Another interesting topics is that everything in universe is possible to split into information coding language. How each life organs forms by an appropriate combination of genetic coding language, as same each matter and energy of universe is also combined by the coding language. The mysterious activity of black hole made a deb ate with the existing theory of physics. Black hole is a region in universe from where nothing can escape, even light. What happens in black hole when it sucked up any matter or energy. The question is that, if black hole sucked up something, is it destroy forever or not? If destruction forever is true then a contradictory debate happens with the laws of physics. Because, physics laws says that nothing can destroy forever. Black hole information paradox says that there have a possibility of emergence of sucked up matters and energies from other side of the black hole instead of disappearing forever. Black hole information paradox gives us an idea about nothing may disappear rather splitting into information code in event horizon and finally radiating as hawking radiation from event horizon. These phenomenon gives us an insight of our universe is that a one disappearing of one universe may results as the creation of other universe.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Quantum mechanics

Introduction of quantum mechanics

Once Newtonian classical mechanics was thought as the most valuable part in physics that was the basis of most of the physics theorem and phenomenon. But  with the emergence of a few of great limitation in Newtonian classical mechanics, scientists started to think about a new way that can properly explains the unexplained phenomenon of physics.

Exactly, the term "mechanics" concerned with motion. Mechanics is in that term indicates about the study of motion of bodies. Bodies is something objects. The body may be macroscopic or microscopic. The variability of mechanics in physics is depends on the body sizes. The mechanics of small scale bodies are not similar with the mechanics of large scale bodies. The Newtonian classical mechanics are appropriate in all types of large scale bodies. In terms of small scale bodies Newtonian classical mechanics shows it's limitations. Newtonian classical mechanics does not explain most of the physics law concerned with small scale elements behaviour. Just for example, the subatomic particle electrons motion and behaviour can not explain by Newtonian classical mechanics. The large scale elements, such as stars, galaxies, planets or any other visible matters physical laws are explained by Newtonian classical mechanics.

 Quantum means a minimum amount of entity with an interaction.

Discrete value and continuous value

The two of the term of mathematics is very important to understand about quantum mechanics. In language, both two term is difficult to define, but very easy to understand with analogy and example.  Just think about drop of rain falling from a big sizes cloud. The falling of drops of rain is discrete. It is not continuous.

Another example may give. Just think you dug a small pond near a river. You made a drain if the water flow into empty pond from river.
This flow of water and happens to continuously. On the other hand you are taking water from pond into a drum and carrying it to your house. This kinds of water movement is discrete movement.

Quantum mechanics

Mechanics is concerned with study of motion of bodies. Everything motion surrounding us we may termed as mechanics. Mechanics is nothing but a motion study. But In physics of motion when only concentrated into Newtonian classical mechanics faces a wide limitation In terms of motion of microscopic particles as well as In behavior of speed of light. Newtonian classical mechanics completely fails to explain the behaviour of speed of light.

At first when clerk Maxwell published his most famous theorem which is called Planks Quantum theory of radiation, dramatically established a New modern era In physics. Planks Quantum theory of radiation is called a foundation theory of quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics exactly a combination of a set of physics theorem.  Planks Quantum theory of radiation is one of the prominent theorem of quantum mechanics.

Planks Quantum theory of radiation

We may everybody familiar with the thermal radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is just a one kind of thermal radiation. The light emits from an hot iron is so a thermal radiation.  When any object let to heat enough it emits energy. Though thermal radiation is well known of as the source of radiant light, but the explanation of the relationship of temperature with the frequencies of the radiation were undiscovered until establishment of quantum mechanics. At first clerk Maxwell, established a mathematical model of thermal radiation in 1900 where he said that thermal radiation is equilibrium with a set of harmonic oscillator.

planks established a relationship that is expressed as bellow,

E = nhf

Where, E is denoted for the energy of an oscillator of the frequency f. h is a constant value that is called planks constant.

Let us describe the above relationship, energy of each oscillator is termed as quantum. Each quantum of the each oscillator is proportional to the frequencies of the oscillators.

Photoelectric effect

Light have a significant impact on metallic surface. In 1887, scientist Heinrich Hertz observes an interesting phenomenon of interaction of light energy on the metallic surface. When light energy with specific frequency fall upon a metallic surface, metal surface ejects electron. To discover the amount of energy of ejected electron from metal surface, scientists started to research. 1902, scientist Phillip Leonard found that the energy of the emitted electron is related with the frequency of light.

Friday 29 January 2016

String theory

Introduction of string theorem In some case of particle physics and quantum physics, where standard model can not explain the phenomenon of mysterious universe, there string theorem is about to trying to explain these unexplained phenomenon.

In string theory, the elementary particles are given a feature and properties as not just a particle, rather one dimensional string that have an universal property of vibrating in a specific frequency.

In string theory another phenomenon have been introduced which is termed as Brane that processes multiple dimensions.

Hardon and other fundamental elementary particles when observed some of the inconsistencies with energy behaviour then a realisation of a new theorem emerged in order to solve these inconsistencies. That leads to develop String theory in 1970.

The core categorisation of String theory is Bosonic String theory and super symmetric string theory. In bosonic string theory primary focus is put on boson and super symmetric string theory fermions are incorporated with super symmetry.

 Idea of String theory in terms of musical acoustic physics

In musical acoustic physics we may familiar with the musical note of a guitar. How a guitar creates musical notes. A tune is produces through a guitar by starching the strings under tension. Cosmologists started to make relation of these musical modes of strings with the elementary particles in universe. 

When the strings of the musical instruments are starched then it goes under an excitation mode due to starching force against the tension. The elementary particles in universe are thought to exist as such types of excitation mode as same as strings of the musical instrument.

Science and philosophy of string theory

Now a days different scientific theories are getting as a structure of philosophies. The traditional concepts of classifying something as science on the basis of experimental result is changing. 

There have different view in scientists societies. A few scientists strictly believes on mathematical model and experimental evidence to say something as science. On the other hand, a few scientists believes that if the theory be more explanatory, in that case experiment may not mandatory.

String theory is till now theoretical with no experimental result. In near by future any experimental result will found or not we do not know. 

String theory requires another extra dimension. Simply to say string theory leads the conception of seven dimension of space.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Black hole information paradox

Stephen Hawking Explained and announced about the conception of Black Hole Paradox
introduction of black hole informatiom paradox 
Matter or energy will destroy or not? In different scientific study we found that matter or energy can never destroy. Rather, matter or energy can transform into one state to another state. But, with the development of the conception about black hole this conception about matter and energy faces limitation. Black hole is difined as a region in universe from where nothing can escape, even light. The properties of black hole is sucking of everything.

The problem of the physic s theory is that, if everything is sucked up by black hole then matter and energy have a unique destination of vanishing forever or destroying forever. 

Hawking radiation

Hawking radiation gives another feature of black hole. Black hole is not quite black, proposed by British physicist Stephen Hawking. Rather, it radiate energy from its event horizon. Event horizon is the boundary of black hole from where Hawking radiationis ejects. Now the question is that from where and how black hole produces Hawking radiation.

It is thought that black hole steals mass and transform into energy. Finally, produced energy emit through event horizon as Hawking radiation

Quantum mechhanics says that information of any matter and energy can never disappear. This postulation of quantum mechanics is not match with the black hole conception by Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking says that all information of energy and matter will disappear with the disappearing of black hole.                 
What should be the solution of the cotradictory conception of black hole with quantum mechanics, general theory of relativity other tenet of science?
Black hole information paradox may be the probable solution.

Black hole information paradox

Black hole information paradox is a margin phenomenon of quantum mechanics and black hole conception.

Stephen Hawking, Perry and Storminger proposed a solution of escaping of information about matter and energy from black hole after it sucked up by black hole.

The black hole information paradox sugests about the existence of black hole hair.

When something sucked by black hole what may happen in that time?  

Completley destroying? or Displacing of the information code of the matter or energy?

How every living organs in universe form with a combination of coding language, just same all non livings as well as the energies and forces may also be formed by combination of coding language.
If the coding information displaced the objects will disappears. If the displaced code combine and rearrange altogather disappeared object will appear again.
 When something sucked by black hole a holographic imprint is formed in event horizon of black hole. These information codes may possible again to escape from black hole. If that happens then we may found an interesting phemenon is that sucked up of one objects from one side may results escaping of the information of such sucked objects from the another side of the black hole. 

This types of escaping is nothing but hawking radiation of black hole from event horizon.

From the explanation of Devin Powell in Smithsonian, with one particles sallowing by black hole another particles happens to escaping into universe.

Climate changing

The changing of climate is very apparent in now a days. The earth is becoming very hot gradually. It is becoming a challenge of world leaders to save world from unwanted increased temperature of the world. The diversified environmental condition of the world threatening on the livings on earth. Repture of the ecosystem. To avoid the upcoming disaster of the earth everybody should take an initiative action against climate change. Increasing of temperature of the atmosphere is termed as Green House effect. The most prominent responsible elements of increasing temperature of earth is Carbon Di Oxide gas. In general abundance of gas of atmosphere is Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon-di-oxide. The heat capacitance of carbon di oxide is comparatively very high. So, the increased level of carbon-di-oxide will increase the storage of temperature of the atmosphere. The earth become hot and cool in a repetitive style. In day time where the sunlight falls become hot. In night time where dark become, it turns into cold. When temperature about to escape from earth the level of Carbon-di-oxide restrict it to maintain the atmosphere not to became too much cold. The layer of carbon-di-oxide maintains temperature in a sustainable range. But, unwanted condition is happening due to excessive increasing of carbon-di-oxide level in atmosphere. There may have different phenomenon. There may have different cosmological context. But, now i am explaining about some of the human made context that is possible to avoid in order to maintain the climate favourable to earth. Two living format of earth is animals and plants. Plants are based on Carbon-di-oxide to produce food for them by photosynthesis. Plant releases oxygen. Reducing the coverage of plants from earth significantly reduces the demand of carbon-di-oxide that is available in earth. Hence, utilisation and use of carbon-di-oxide is reduces. As a result Increases the the Carbon-di-oxide gas in atmosphere. The ultimate result is increasing of temperature of the atmosphere. Unprotected industrialization also releasing increased level of carbon-di-oxide into atmosphere. With the effects of increasing of temperature of earth, the ice of pool region of the earth started to melting. The surface level of ocean is also becoming very high. Low lands are sinking under water. With the increasing of water level another step of increasing of temperature is started simultaneously. Heat capacitance of water is higher than land. The increased water level also increased the temperature of the earth. The unwanted increased temperature makes a harmful condition of the living organs in earth. As a result the probability of extinction of some elements of the ecosystem increased. Extinction of one organs of ecosystem vulnerable to other organs to extinction.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Popular musics

How a music win popularity?
The popularity of a music depends on different factors. I think besides of a scientific production of a music the marketing role of music producer is important to make a music most popular.

Human is the active audience of a good music. hence, understanding of human mind is the key role of a music composer.

Evergreen music

Evergreen music are these, that potentiality remains year to year without change. Popularity of music never indicates that it is evergreen. The music that is popular to a large scale of audience may become out dated after a few years of gap. This kinds of music may be popular for a short period of time, but not evergreen.

With the changing of time the choice of accepting and rejecting of some thins by human is also changes. Hence, a group of people are found to accept warmly something as well as rejecting such things aggressively.

Segmentation of the music audience

Segmentation is a marketing context that indicate classifying of users or consumers into groups for a specific types of products. The segmentation is usually done on the basis of  age, income level, social values, geography and gender.

A music producer also segments his market on the basis of few parameter. These are ages, gender, cultural values, education and others.

The music that is more popular to teenagers, may not same popular to older peoples.  Children changes their choice and love when they welcome youth. As same as younger people changes their choice when they welcome old age.

Choices of musical structure and pattern changes age to ages and day to days. The music that is delighting you very aggressively today may not acting as same after ten years latter.

Musics acceptance

An interesting things are found in terms of music is that in all ages music is a source of pleasure. The patterns and structures of music may changes year to year.

Evergreen music production

It is very difficult to produce an evergreen type of music that can give pleasure a same people for a long period of time in his life. It is difficult but possible.

Though, choice of human is changeable to year to year, but yet a lot of musics are available to making pleasure to same people for a long time of their life.

Scientific role of evergreen musics

Music is nothing but an application of physics, chemistry, psychology and physiology. Introduction of all types of science into music authentically may results in an evergreen music.

Merging of musical patterns

Just need a merging of musical patterns and harmonies favourable to all ages of people may produce a specific types of musics that may be acceptable to diverse ranges of human.

There are given most of the popular types of musics that delights people for several periods of times


Monday 18 January 2016


Acne is a skin condition of man and woman with an abnormal enlarged zits from soft skin that characterised by results of irritation and inflammation. It is a one kind of hair follicle disease. Generally, both in men and women acne is a most common skin problem. The vulnerable part of skin to acne is then of faces, chests and backs.

Skin vulnerability of acne

The term vulnerability is concerned with disaster management. Vulnerable groups are these that have a more chance of becoming affected by the consequence. All of the people in a country is not equally vulnerable to cyclone. The people living in coastal area is the most vulnerable to cyclone than others.

Not all parts of body skin is not equally vulnerable to acne. Face skin, chest skin and back skin is most vulnerable to acne development.

When acne develops

Teenage is the time of of acne development. During the period of puberty teenagers faces with acne development. There have some hormonal factors these are mostly responsible to develops of acne.

How acne develops?

Acne is found to develop in puberty period in most of the case. In puberty period sebaceous gland attached with hair follicle stimulates in such an way that produces more oil and gives skin more oily nature.

Sebum is an important oily substance that is essential for skin protection. But excess skin production of sebaceous gland introduce a harmful effect in skin. Increased level of oil in skin raptures the natural ongoing process of oils function of skin protection. As a result, skin started to dispose oil as possible as it can in hair follicle in order to introducing normal environment for skin.

Hence, hair follicle enlarges. Due to the enlargement of hair follicle foreign particles and bacteria get a scope to enter into the cell if something raptures of skin wall happens due to excessive level of enlargement

Initiative action against acne

Someone can prevent acne and can reduces the risk of acne by maintaining few common themes. First have to control effectively the oily nature of skin as possible as. Some cosmetic can effectively reduces the oil from skin. Food consumption can effectively prevents acne. The consumed food that increases oily nature of skin should avoid to consume.

Bacterial infection

Acne is not bacterial disease. But bacteria can worsen the acne condition. The enlargement of hair follicle allows bacteria to enter into deeper skin.

Avoid to becoming scars

Scars is a skin condition that also may happen due to severe condition of acne. To àv9id scars happening from acne one thing must have to in mind. That is not allowing bacteria to enter into the enlarged skin.

Tuesday 12 January 2016


Is fashion is art? or Is it a science?

Fashion may be both two. From different parameter fashion can defined and describe.

I think fashion is a combination of science, arts and creativity.

Fashion in view of arts and creativity means just introducing a new structure of life attractive that is something like ornamentation.

Fashion of human being behaves as same as the behaves as the nature. We may think about the fashion of the nature and geography. Nature and environment is found a characteristics of changing of the fashion periodically. With the flow of time fashion of the environment get changes.

Time flows to forward, old season says goodbye and new season says welcome. The new season ornaments the nature in new way. Nature faces with new glamour.

In rainy season the sky become dense with dark cloud, In winter the leafs and grasses weighted with snow dwarfs. In spring usually new leaves grew up and the environment obtain a new fashion.

As same as the nature human also changes its fashion with time to time. In that case also have periodical nature of shifting of fashion. In some of the case changing of fashion is totally shows no return back tendency.

Periodical fashion changing

Periodical changing of fashion is that kinds of fashion that says goodbye to a people for a short period of time and return back after a certain period of time. With the going away of winter season you may storage your jacket in a suitcase but it may not forever. It must be return back to you in next winter. It is a periodical fashion.
No return back fashion
No return back fashion is these kinds of fashion that shows no tendency if it leave away from someones life. Just think about your childhood and childhood dress. What kinds of dresses were very found of you in your childhood, you have no tendency of return back in such kinds of dresses in your young age. The childhood fashion that have gone away shows no return back tendency.

Fashion and culture

Fashion in different country and nation have different feature. Fashion is excessively related with the cultural value of people. The people with the Chinese region is familiar with the different types of fashion which is somewhat different with the fashion of Latin American people.

Geographical feature impacts on fashion of peoples. The people of the forest area familiar with what kinds of fashion, peoples of the coastal area is not similarly familiar with such types of fashion. The region where sunlight falls directly there may be found such types of dresses that can significantly reduces the harmful effect of directly falling sunlight.

Another two types of fashion may be found. Fashion for self satisfaction and fashion for satisfying others. What type of fashion you will accept or what types of fashion you will reject depends on individuals view.

Some people may found that they are doing fashion only for their own satisfaction. If his fashion be very odd to the other people, whatever?  They are only doing only for their own satisfaction. They are happy in this matter.

Some people do fashion in order to satisfy other that other people praise about his or her beauty.


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